With geohazards and climate change high on the world agenda, we are once again having an A level Geohazards Student Conference, a day of inspiring talks to inform students of recent developments in all aspects of geohazards – from landslides to earthquakes, tsunamis to climate change.
We hope that students will be inspired to go further in their studies with in-depth case studies by expert University speakers. The conference will be of benefit to A level Geology and Geography students.
There will be no charge for registration. The event includes a complimentary light lunch.
11:30 | Registration
11:55 | Welcome
12:00 | Extreme floods in the Himalayas –
Dr Matt Westoby
12:30 | The geological evidence for tsunamis and implications for future hazardous events –
Professor Sarah Boulton
13:00 | Lunch
13:45 | Urban seismic risk in the Middle East –
Professor Iain Stewart MBE
14:15 | Disaster recovery in seismically active regions: should we rebuild or just run away? –
Dr Simon Dickinson
14:45 | Closing remarks
15:00 | Conference ends
Students and schools are invited to email sciengoutreach@plymouth.ac.uk to express an interest in attending or for any queries.