Students at Whitsand Bay
We want you to succeed in your studies and make the most of university life, whether you are starting an exciting new chapter or returning to campus for a new academic year.
The University of Plymouth will provide you with a world of opportunities – so much for you to experience. We aim to help you shape your future far beyond your chosen subject, giving you unique experiences and skills that will help you stand out to future employers.
Lecturers, tutors, learning technicians, faculty admin staff, advisors, support staff... there’s a whole team of people who are ready to help you achieve your ambitions and support you every step of the way.

Complete your enrolment

Essential first step for all students
Complete this important step early and things become easier. After you’ve completed online enrolment, you’ll be able to:
  • obtain your University card
  • access academic induction material in your digital learning environment
  • access wider University systems (including access to email)
  • activate your student loan.
Charles Seale-Hayne Library – Entrance

Welcome week and Freshers

Welcome week is a great opportunity for you to settle in, make new friends, discover what Plymouth has to offer, and to get prepared for the start of your studies. This is a really exciting week, totally dedicated to you – lots of student ambassadors will be available across the campus to help you with anything you need.
As part of your welcome week, our Students' Union puts on Freshers, a whole series of events, fairs, welcome activities, drop-in sessions and entertainment.
During this week, you can join your favourite clubs and societies, buy things for your room, connect with other students, join in with the special evening entertainment or simply explore the city and meet new people at your own pace.
Students on campus during Freshers Week 2021

Ready to start making friends?

You don't need to wait to get here before you can start making lifelong friends and talking to each other.
Why not sign up to Unibuddy Community where you can meet other applicants on your course, find students with similar interests and get to know each other in personal group chats?
Our programme ambassadors are also available to answer any questions you might have and make sure that you get an authentic taste of university life.
Details about how to sign up to Unibuddy Community will be communicated to you directly by email.
Students and Ambassadors on campus during an Open Day, sitting in the sun outside the Students' Union entrance

Academic induction

Academic induction is an essential part of joining your programme. Your academic induction schedule will provide you with important information about your programme, such as any books or kit you might need to buy and where you need to be going and when during September.
Most importantly, academic induction is your chance to meet your new tutors and coursemates for the first time, and to get stuck into your studies.
MA International Relations: Global Security and Development student, Curtis