The Ecology and Conservation of Goldsinny Wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) in Coastal Marine Ecosystems

Applications are invited for a 3.5-year PhD studentship with UoP and the Ocean Conservation Trust’s National Marine Aquarium, starting 1 October 2025.


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The Ecology and Conservation of Goldsinny Wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) in Coastal Marine Ecosystems
Applications are only open to UK students only.
Applications are invited for a 3.5-year PhD studentship with the University of Plymouth and the Ocean Conservation Trust’s National Marine Aquarium. The studentship will start on 1 October 2025.
Plymouth has been at the forefront of global marine research for more than a century, and today, it is home to the largest concentration of marine researchers in the UK. Come and join our vibrant community of marine PhD students.

Project description

A significant number of fish species have become endangered due to the impacts of climate change and overexploitation (IUCN, 2023). The Goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris), last assessed in 2014 as Least Concern (Pollard, 2014), has seen its populations increasingly threatened by overfishing and exploitation, primarily driven by its role in the salmon aquaculture industry. This exploitation is detrimental to their populations, necessitating urgent conservation measures.
Goldsinny wrasse are small, colourful fish that inhabit rocky substrates, which provide them with shelter from predators. They can grow up to 18 cm in length (Treasurer & Feledi, 2014). Their ecological role as cleaner fish on rocky reefs involves removing ectoparasites, so wrasse species like Goldsinny can be used to feed on sea louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) from salmon (Salmo salar) (Powell et al., 2018). This cleaning behaviour benefits the salmon, improving the health and commercial value of the farmed fish, and, while also providing food supply for the wrasse, high mortalities of wrasse species have been observed when used in salmon farming (Geitung et al. 2020). Additionally, the heavy reliance on wild-caught Goldsinny wrasse in aquaculture has led to severe overfishing (Halvorsen et al., 2017).
The importance of the Goldsinny wrasse's cleaning behaviour extends beyond salmon. This species also cleans other commercially important fish such as cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), as well as a variety of reef fish (Skiftesvik et al., 2014). By removing parasites, the wrasse contribute to the health and well-being of these fish, which in turn affects their growth rates, reproductive success, and survival. The presence of cleaner fish like the Goldsinny wrasse can reduce stress levels in fish populations, leading to improved immune responses and overall better health. This symbiotic relationship is crucial for maintaining the balance and health of marine ecosystems (Powell et al., 2018).
The wrasse fishery on the Swedish West Coast, for example, has highlighted the need for ecosystem-based management to ensure sustainable practices (Bourlat et al., 2021). Similarly, the need for improved management and conservation strategies is evident in the UK, where significant numbers of wrasse are harvested annually for use in salmon farms. The increasing exploitation pressures call for a thorough understanding of their ecology, the development of captive breeding techniques, and the implementation of effective conservation policies.

Research objectives

1. Establish captive husbandry of the species:
  • Develop and refine techniques for the captive breeding and rearing of Goldsinny wrasse.
  • Monitor the health, growth, and behaviour of captive-bred wrasse.
2. Conduct local surveys around Plymouth, UK, for Wrasse populations:
  • Assess the population size and distribution of Goldsinny wrasse in coastal waters around Plymouth.
  • Identify key habitats and environmental factors influencing population dynamics.
3. Conduct local surveys for ectoparasite loads:
  • Quantify ectoparasite loads on local fish populations likely to be cleaned by wrasse when present.
  • Analyse the relationship between ectoparasite prevalence and environmental variables.
4. Review regulations for release and reintroduction of Wrasse in the UK:
  • Evaluate current regulations and policies regarding the release and reintroduction of captive-bred wrasse.
  • Propose improvements to regulatory frameworks to support sustainable reintroduction programs.
5. Examine the impact of the restricted Wrasse Fishery on fishermen and explore alternative livelihoods in aquaculture:
  • Assess the socio-economic impacts of wrasse fishery restrictions on local fishermen.
  • Investigate potential alternative livelihoods in aquaculture, focusing on sustainable practices.

Research methodology

1. Captive husbandry
  • Set up controlled aquaculture facilities for the breeding and rearing of Goldsinny wrasse.
  • Monitor water quality, diet, and health parameters to optimize husbandry conditions (Treasurer & Feledi, 2014).
2. Local surveys
  • Conduct underwater visual censuses and baited remote underwater video (BRUV) surveys to estimate wrasse populations (Halvorsen et al., 2017).
  • Use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to map habitat types and distributions
3. Ectoparasite surveys:
  • Perform regular sampling of local fish populations to assess ectoparasite loads, focusing on species likely to be cleaned by wrasse (Skiftesvik et al., 2014).
  • Use laboratory analysis to identify and quantify parasite species.
4. Regulatory review:
  • Analyze existing regulations and policies regarding wrasse release and reintroduction.
  • Consult with regulatory bodies, conservation organizations, and stakeholders to gather insights and propose improvements.

Expected outcomes

  • Development of effective captive breeding and husbandry techniques for Goldsinny wrasse.
  • Comprehensive assessment of local wrasse populations and their habitats around Plymouth.
  • Detailed analysis of ectoparasite loads and their environmental determinants.
  • Recommendations for improved regulations supporting sustainable wrasse release and reintroduction.
  • Insights into the socio-economic impacts of fishery restrictions and potential alternative livelihoods in aquaculture.


  • Bourlat, S. J., Faust, E., Wennhage, H., Wikström, A., Rigby, K., Vigo, M., Kralj, P., Selander, E., & André, C. (2021). Towards an ecosystem-based approach of a wrasse fishery in decline. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78(7), 2365–2375. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsab114
  • Halvorsen, K. T., Larsen, T., Sørdalen, T. K., Vøllestad, L. A., Knutsen, H., & Olsen, E. M. (2017). Impact of harvesting cleaner fish for salmonid aquaculture assessed from replicated coastal marine protected areas. Marine Biology Research, 13(4), 359–369. doi:10.1080/17451000.2016.1262041
  • IUCN. (2023). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2023-2. Retrieved from
  • Olsen, E. M., Halvorsen, K. T., Vøllestad, L. A., & Wright, P. J. (2018). Fish from the same boat: exploring the potential of mixed-stock analysis in a coastal wrasse fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75(6), 2254–2261. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy183
  • Pollard, D. A. (2014). Ctenolabrus rupestris. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2014: e.T187751A44907411. Retrieved from
  • Powell, A., Pooley, C. L., & Treasurer, J. W. (2018). Use of cleaner fish in the salmonid farming industry: Challenges and opportunities. Reviews in Aquaculture, 10(3), 683–702. doi:10.1111/raq.12194
  • Skiftesvik, A. B., Bjelland, R. M., Durif, C. M., Johansen, I. S., & Browman, H. I. (2014). Delousing of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) by cultured vs. wild ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta). Aquaculture, 422–423, 20–25. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2013.11.003
  • Treasurer, J. W., & Feledi, T. (2014). The physical condition and welfare of five species of wild-caught wrasse stocked under aquaculture conditions and when stocked in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, production cages. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 45(2), 213–219. doi:10.1111/jwas.12094

Person specification

We seek an enthusiastic individual with an interest in fish ecology and marine conservation. Prior experience of fieldwork (especially in the marine environment), alongside aquaculture or fish husbandry would be advantageous. A diving qualification (e.g. PADI Divemaster or equivalent) is desirable along with experience conducting underwater visual surveys, operating BRUVS, using GIS and working in a laboratory setting.


This PhD studentship is open only to UK applicants. Applicants should have a first or upper second-class honours degree in an appropriate subject or a relevant Masters qualification.
The studentship is supported for 3.5 years and includes full home tuition fees plus a UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) maintenance stipend (£19,237 per annum for 2024/25) and generous bench fees. The last 6 months of the four-year registration period is a self-funded ‘writing-up’ period.
If you wish to discuss this project further informally, please contact Professor Richard Preziosi .
Please see our apply for a postgraduate research programme page for a list of supporting documents to upload with your application.
For more information on the admissions process generally, please visit our apply for a postgraduate research programme page or contact the Doctoral College .
The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Friday 14 March 2025.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview after the deadline. We regret that we may not be able to respond to all applications. Applicants who have not received a response within six weeks of the closing date should consider their application has been unsuccessful on this occasion.