Charlotte Levy, PhD student
If you are thinking about becoming a postgraduate researcher at the University of Plymouth, you are welcome to contact one of the Postgraduate Research Coordinators below in your field of interest.
The Postgraduate Research Coordinator will discuss potential supervisors with you and answer any questions you might have about embarking on a research degree in their research area.
Once you are a student, your Postgraduate Research Coordinator can give you advice on procedures and processes such as annual monitoring, Research Degree Candidate (RDC) forms and progression. If you would like to talk to someone outside of your supervision team, the Postgraduate Research Coordinator is the person to contact.

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business

  • Associate Professor (Reader) in Art and Moving Image
    School of Art, Design and Architecture
  • Lecturer in Education
    School of Society and Culture
  • Lecturer in International Shipping and Port Management
    Plymouth Business School
  • Associate Head of School - International
    Programme Manager – DBA, Plymouth Business School
  • Director of Plymouth Institute of Education
    Programme Manager – EdD HKSPACE, School of Society and Culture
  • Associate Professor in Early Childhood Studies
    Programme Manager – EdD, School of Society and Culture

Faculty of Health

Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • Associate Professor in Plant-Animal Interactions
    School of Biological and Marine Sciences
  • Professor of Earth Sciences
    School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Professor in Environmental Fluid Mechanics
    Programme Manager – EngD, School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
  • Professor in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics
    School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics