3 students on the tor on Dartmoor
The EU Hardship Fund provides discretionary financial assistance to help you to access and remain in higher education, particularly if you need financial help to meet additional costs that cannot be met using other sources of support. The fund can help to alleviate unexpected financial hardship. 
If you are an EU student, you need to have income that covers your living and housing costs in the first instance before we can consider you for an award. To reflect this, a Minimum Required Provision (MRP) of £207 per week will be applied to full-time EU applications (£166 to those with dependents or who have a disability).
The EU Hardship Fund is open from 2 October 2023 and will close at midday on 31 May 2024. 
Please note that final year students must submit their completed and fully documented applications by 10 May 2024, unless their course finishes after the 31 May. In that case they can apply until 31 May 2024. Late applications cannot be considered. The University will only consider one application per person to this fund each academic year.
Although some EU students may receive some support from the EU Hardship Fund, it will not be sufficient as an income in its own right and can only be seen as a supplement to funding from other sources. The fund cannot pay tuition fees.
Awards to successful applicants are capped as follows:
  • Those with dependants/disabilities may receive up to £500.
  • Final year students without dependants may receive up to £400.
  • Non-final year students without dependants may receive up to £300.

How to apply

For an application form, please contact Student Services Hub by calling +44 1752 587676, or by email at studentservices@plymouth.ac.uk
If you are a home student, please complete the  Financial Support Fund application form.