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Key features

This 20 credit module focuses on the appraisal and synthesis of evidence from research literature and documentary sources. Participants gain hands-on experience using JBI software (SUMARI). You will learn more about the systematic review methodology, critically analyse research and text or opinion papers as part of the review process and use software to perform a meta-analysis and meta-synthesis of selected studies.
This module may be used as a standalone option as formal training in research methods to support personal fellowships eg. those offered by NIHR ACFs, NIHR-HEEPCAFs and internship schemes.
Module code




FHEQ Level

Level 7 – masters degree


Blended learning approach with face to face delivery at Plymouth

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MCR706 module details (masters level)

Increase your knowledge of systematic review methodology to improve healthcare practice.
You will consider valid evidence from research, the context in which care is delivered, client preference and professional judgment of the health professional. The core of evidence synthesis is the systematic review of literature of a particular intervention, condition or phenomenon of interest.
With this module you will gain further knowledge of the methods and tools used to appraise and synthesise evidence from research literature and documentary sources.
This module will:
  • examine the nature of evidence and its role in healthcare so you can better understand how evidence transfers into practice
  • enable you to gain hands-on experience using JBI software (SUMARI) to perform a meta-analysis and meta-synthesis of selected studies
  • analyse sample quantitative and qualitative research and expert opinion papers as part of the review process
  • provide you with the opportunity to register as a Joanna Briggs (JBI) accredited systematic reviewer upon successful completion.
Upon completion the learner will be expected to be able to:
  • evaluate the role of systematic reviews in improving healthcare practice
  • critically synthesise evidence from various sources using JBI software
  • identify a relevant review question and develop a protocol for systematic review
  • utilise the JBI software to facilitate the systematic review process.

Admissions information

Additional information and documentation required for the application process.
  • Application forms.
  • Change of name forms.
  • Pre-course information.
  • Downloadable guides.
  • Student card.
Admissions information Additional information and documentation required for the application process.Access to application forms, download guides and confirmation information. Visit our admissions homepage.

Module dates

25, 26 November and 9, 10 December 2024.
Occasionally delivery dates might be subject to change – always check with the module lead or Professional Development Unit.
Please be aware that all modules run to minimum numbers.
In the event that there are low numbers, this module may be rescheduled to an alternative date.
Some modules are also subject to maximum numbers.

Entry requirements

You will normally be a healthcare professional with a first degree or a related academic degree. BSc (Hons) at 2:2 or above, or European first cycle equivalent. Clinicians without a degree but with appropriate experience may be eligible to apply. Overseas students require IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent required.


Module lead

The lead for this module is Munira Khan .
Green figure with heartbeat image

You can contact the Professional Development Unit with any queries

Prospective student enquiries:
Current student enquiries:
Professional Development Unit, The University of Plymouth - Intercity Place
Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 17:00 and Friday 8:30 - 16:30.