Why did you complete the APP745 Research methodology and application module? What were your reasons?
I feel that completing this module has given me a clear understanding of how to access, retrieve and interpret a range of evidence and data from a variety of sources. It has been extremely helpful with research techniques as this course has a very comprehensive approach to research methodology and application. It also provided me with an extended awareness of current evidence-based practice that can be utilised to pursue my dreams in the Surgical Care Practitioner career path.
What did study APP745 Research methodology and application module allow you to now do either clinically or academically?
From a professional standpoint, I foresee the knowledge and exposure gained from the course benefitting me in the future. I was able gather a sufficient amount of literature search on my own to complete the assignment. I am particularly pleased with the research proposal and evidence-based recommendations I came up with, and I think this is the aim of all learning to be able to move up the learning curve and to be able to use the knowledge gained in everyday practice.
How has studying the APP745 Research methodology and application module benefitted you academically?
As a trainee Surgical Care Practitioner, the module has benefitted me tremendously. It has given me a good grounding in research methodology and application which is perfect as I am looking to expand my clinical knowledge base into evidence-based clinical practice.
How has studying the APP745 Research methodology and application module benefitted you clinically?
This course has been one of the best learning experiences for me as I have found myself continually wanting to evaluate current practice. Integrating research evidence into clinical practice involves incorporating evidence into action and assessing the effects. This is a critical component in bringing learning in action.
What were your favourite parts of the APP745 Research methodology and application module?
The webinar allowed the course to become very accessible and practical. Moreover, it was presented in a very logical and systematic order. There was plenty of information set out in the presentation slides in an easy-to-understand format. Having the course structured into different sessions has been helpful for me in approaching the course and fitting it into a busy work-life schedule.