Woman. Close up portrait of a happy woman smiling outdoors.

Key features

The University of Plymouth provides Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) approved Return to Practice courses.
We are proud to offer a course that has been designed together with our practice placement providers, patient/service users, and students. The course is generic for all fields of nursing and midwifery, but tailored for registrants who have worked in a diverse range of practice settings. Individual profiling is used to underpin your personalised learning journey, tailored to meet your particular needs and the opportunity to achieve graduate skills.
A young male nurse stands in a busy hospital ward. Image courtesy of Getty Images.
This 20 credit Blended Learning module is available at:
  • Diploma Level 5 for Nursing Associates
  • Degree Level 6 for Nursing Associates, Nurses, Midwives
  • Masters Level 7 for Nursing Associates, Midwives or Specialist Community Public Health Nurses
On successful completion, you will be eligible to re-register with the NMC for your chosen Sphere of Practice.
The NMC require Return to Practice students to undertake 450 hours of clinical practice in your chosen sphere of practice, Specialist Community Public Health Nurses will need to undertake part of the placement within your first sphere of practice. Midwives who also wish to register as a nurse will need to undertake 900 hours for dual registration with placement providers local to you.
The teaching team is drawn from Lecturers and Practice Educators from all fields of Nursing, Midwifery, Specialist Community Public Health Nurses and Service Users.
The theoretical aspect of the module will run alongside your practice placement over 16 weeks.
Practice placement runs concurrently alongside theory and can be undertaken part time. If you have recent, relevant health care experience you may be eligible for accreditation hours – confirmed following discussion with you and your placement provider.
Some placement providers offer paid placements at a Health Care Assistant rate, others offer non-paid placements.
If you are in a non-paid placement you will receive a £1000 bursary.
Module code

Level 5 (RTP501), Level 6 (RTP601), Level 7 (RTP701)



FHEQ Level

Level 5 diploma, Level 6 degree, Level 7 masters


Online delivery

Course details

Level 5
At the end of the module you will be able to:
  • Assess personal strengths and establish development needs through analysis of limitations recognising the importance of maintaining and developing professional competence.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the influence and impact of current legislation, clinical guidelines, and codes of practice, research and operational policy on practice.
  • Evaluate the current structure and organisation of care, nationally and locally.
  • Meet the NMC standards for proficiency for registered Nurse Associate.
Level 6
At the end of the module you will be able to:
  • Critically appraise personal strengths and establish development needs through analysis of limitations recognising the importance of maintaining and developing professional competence.
  • Critically appraise the influence and impact of current legislation, clinical guidelines, and codes of practice, research and operational policy on practice.
  • Analyse and evaluate the current structure and organisation of care, nationally and locally.
  • Meet the NMC standards for proficiency for either registered Nursing Associates, Nurses or Midwives.
Level 7
At the end of the module you will be able to:
  • Critically appraise personal strengths and establish development needs through analysis and synthesis of limitations, recognising the importance of maintaining and developing professional competence.
  • Critically analyse and synthesise the factors that influence current legislation, clinical guidelines, and codes of practice, research and operational policy on practice.
  • Demonstrate an ability to critically analyse and evaluate in depth the complexities of structure and organisation of care delivery, nationally and locally.
  • Meet the NMC standards for proficiency for either registered Nursing Associates, Nurses, Midwives or SCPHN.

Module dates

2024 / 2025 academic year
Delivery 1
(Induction 25 September) 16, 30 October, 6, 20 November, 4, 18 December 2024, 8, 22 January and 5 February 2025.
Delivery 2
(Induction 12 February) 12, 26 February, 12, 19 March, 2, 16, 30 April, 14 May and 4 June 2025.
Dates are provisional and may be subject to change.
Occasionally delivery dates might be subject to change – please check with the module lead or Professional Development Unit.


The module is accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).
In addition, the module is mapped against learning outcomes across Southern England Consortium (SEEC) descriptors, NMC criteria and Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) benchmark statements.

Fees and funding

Health Education England (HEE) will fund the return to practice module including tuition fee, stipend and placement fee via your employer. Please liaise with your prospective employer.

Module Lead

Adele Kane RN RNT MScEd FHEA

Entry requirements

If you are considering returning to practice, you will first need to find and secure a return to practice vacancy with a suitable employer. To find a suitable vacancy either visit the NHS Jobs website and in the keywords/job reference section search for ‘Return to practice’ roles. Alternatively you can make enquiries directly to the employer.
Expect to go through an interview process where you will be asked questions such as:
  • Your professional experience, what you have been doing since stepping off the register.
  • Why you have decided to return.
  • What you consider might have changed since you left/ what you have read in preparation for the interview.
  • How you would raise concerns such as a patient being treated unkindly or a mistake had been made.
  • How you manage stress/resilience.
  • You may be given a scenario.
Only once you have secured this position will your employer be able to book you a place on the course at the University. Unfortunately, you are unable to do this directly as places commissioned by Health Education England (HEE) with Healthcare organisations such as NHS Trusts, general practices and independent providers will be supporting returnees to return to practice with the intention of employment on successful completion of the module.
**Accreditation of up to 200 hours can be given for those who have recently been working in the sphere of practice they are returning to, including those who joined the Temporary NMC COVID Register.
Once you have secured this position, your prospective employer will be able to book you a place on the course.

Who can apply for the module?

  • Potential returners to the Nursing and Midwifery (NMC) can apply.
  • Nurses who have qualified within the European Union (EU) and meet the NMC requirements for entry to the register and require evidence of a return to practice module.
Disclosure and barring service (DBS) certificate and occupational health assessment
You are required to undergo an occupational health and DBS assessment, which forms a condition of acceptance. This will be a part of the recruitment process and undertaken by your employer.
Information for students who have previously resided outside the UK as an adult (i.e. from age 18 or above)
Alongside the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks which are undertaken for all applicants, any periods of previous residence abroad, of 12 months or more as an adult, need to be covered by a 'certificate of good character' (or similar) from the country concerned. Residence aboard includes, but is not limited to, travelling, studying, working and postings with armed forces.*
If, since the age 18, you have resided outside the UK for more than 12 months (either continuously or in total) it is your responsibility to obtain the relevant certificate(s). The University cannot apply for these certificates on your behalf or pay for the costs involved. This process can take some time and you are strongly advised to apply at the earliest opportunity. Students who have previously resided abroad will be unable to start student placements without this certificate.
For information about applying for such certificates, please consult the DBS website: overseas police check section.
*If your period of residence abroad took place whilst serving in the military, you will not be required to supply a CoGC if you are able to provide a copy of your Certificate of Service Discharge Form, which includes a Citation of Exemplary Service.

The written assessment design is to be commended; it equips students with skills and confidence to complete the NMC revalidation requirements, given the alignment between the students’ portfolio, and the NMC revalidation requirements.

Our External Examiner

Our students said

“The opportunity to come together as a group, sharing our experiences and supporting each other has been the most important thing for us.”
“It was tougher than I expected, but I got through in the end.”
“We were very well supported by Programme lead with theory and practice concerns.”
“It’s reassuring to know that we are studying on a course that has been highly thought of by NMC – to know we’ve made the right choice.”
“Thank you for persuading me to give the course a go, I’m now working as a Staff Nurse after 25 years away.”

Admissions information

Additional information and documentation required for the application process.
  • Application forms.
  • Change of name forms.
  • Pre-course information.
  • Downloadable guides.
  • Student card.
Admissions information Additional information and documentation required for the application process.Access to application forms, download guides and confirmation information. Visit our admissions homepage.
Green figure with heartbeat image

You can contact the Professional Development Unit with any queries

Prospective student enquiries:
Current student enquiries:
Professional Development Unit, The University of Plymouth - Intercity Place
Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 17:00 and Friday 8:30 - 16:30.