Information for students who have previously resided outside the UK as an adult (i.e. from age 18 or above)
Alongside the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks which are undertaken for all applicants, any periods of previous residence abroad, of 12 months or more as an adult, need to be covered by a 'certificate of good character' (or similar) from the country concerned. Residence aboard includes, but is not limited to, travelling, studying, working and postings with armed forces.*
If, since the age 18, you have resided outside the UK for more than 12 months (either continuously or in total) it is your responsibility to obtain the relevant certificate(s). The University cannot apply for these certificates on your behalf or pay for the costs involved. This process can take some time and you are strongly advised to apply at the earliest opportunity. Students who have previously resided abroad will be unable to start student placements without this certificate.
*If your period of residence abroad took place whilst serving in the military, you will not be required to supply a CoGC if you are able to provide a copy of your Certificate of Service Discharge Form, which includes a Citation of Exemplary Service.