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Key features

This module complements the modules in management and leadership in healthcare and comprises an in-depth study of organisations in the 21st century with a focus on health and care. Critical study of the structures, values and cultures of organisations will be incorporated along with theory from established and contemporary OD literature. Diagnostic and consultancy models will be studied with a view to critical application in practice.
Starlings flying in a formation know as a murmuration
Module code




FHEQ Level

Level 7 – masters degree


Blended learning approach with face to face delivery at Plymouth

Illustration of a tree in the shape of a liver, credit: Cinemanikor, courtesy of Shutterstock

Module details

This module aims to provide a deep but practical understanding of public sector organisational structures and how values and cultures affect operational effectiveness. It will enhance understanding of leadership and management within structural elements (how organisations work, strategic planning and change management).


The assessment for this module includes examinations, clinical examinations, generic assessments, practical tests and coursework.

Learning outcomes

  • Critically appraise enhanced theories of organisation development, structure, strategy, individual values and corporate cultures – and apply them in a real world.
  • Demonstrate skills of analysis and application using case study and critical analysis of theory.
  • Develop and present an organisation development plan for application in own organisation.
  • Evidence sustained critical reflection of own practice and learning as a scholar of the literature.

Admissions information

Additional information and documentation required for the application process.
  • Application forms.
  • Change of name forms.
  • Pre-course information.
  • Downloadable guides.
  • Student card.
Admissions information Additional information and documentation required for the application process.Access to application forms, download guides and confirmation information. Visit our admissions homepage.

Module dates

Face to face teaching days 17 and 18 March, and 14 April 2025.
Optional online tutorial on 6 May 2025.
Occasionally delivery dates might be subject to change – always check with the module lead or Professional Development Unit.
Please be aware that all modules run to minimum numbers.
In the event that there are low numbers, this module may be rescheduled to an alternative date.
Some modules are also subject to maximum numbers.


Module lead

Entry requirements

You can apply to study this masters level module, if you have achieved an honours degree 2.2 (or equivalent) and above, in a subject related to healthcare management, leadership and innovation. If you do not have a degree, have a degree awarded below the minimum (2.2), or a degree in an unrelated subject, we may consider your application on the basis of your work experience or relevant training.
Fluency in spoken and written English is required; therefore, if English is not your first language, evidence of competence in English language will be required. If you are an international student, please look at information related to enrolment on the full time masters (MSc) programme . Further support and guidance is available from our International Office .
Green figure with heartbeat image

You can contact the Professional Development Unit with any queries

Prospective student enquiries:
Current student enquiries:
Professional Development Unit, The University of Plymouth - Intercity Place
Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 17:00 and Friday 8:30 - 16:30.