Key features
This 20 credit degree-level module is aimed at registered nurses and allied health professionals with at least six months haematology experience and will enable you to take a lead role in the provision of care and treatment of patients with haematology conditions and their carers.
This module follows an evidence-based clinically relevant learning programme for healthcare professionals caring for adult patients within the haematology setting and will develop your underpinning knowledge and critical awareness in haematology health care practice. It will also prepare you for more advanced clinical roles in haematology.
The key topics covered by this module include:
- non-malignant haematology
- the physical assessment of the haematology patient
- infection control issues
- acute and chronic Leukaemia patient pathways
- lymphoma and myeloma patient pathways
- autograft and allograft patient pathways
- palliative care within the haematological setting.
For further information or an informal discussion regarding the module please contact:
Training Administration Team
This module can be studied as a standalone module or as an optional module towards a number of our
BSc (Hons) Professional Development
pathways - please contact the Professional Development Unit for further information on this.