General practice nursing
For any queries regarding admissions or enrolments, please contact the Professional Development Unit Admissions team
Telephone: +44 1752 586951
Visit: Professional Development Unit, Level 4 Rolle Building, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA, United Kingdom.
Opening hours:
Monday–Thursday 8:30–17:00
Friday 8:30–16:30.

Update: application process

Please note that there has been an update to the application process for our masters programmes.
Any part-time applications for programmes starting before September 2025 need to continue to use the Postgraduate Application Form and any additional information forms as required. Full details can be found on our admissions homepage .
Part-time applications for September 2025 and beyond need to apply online via the link on the relevant programme page.
Any full-time applications for programmes starting in September 2025 need to apply online via the link on the relevant programme page.


The Fundamentals of General Practice programme is made up of three modules: Transition into General Practice , Embedding in General Practice and Advancing within General Practice .
FHEQ Level
Level 6 (degree) or Level 7 (masters)
You will be supported in your academic studies by the programme lead and teaching team. In your clinical area you should be supported by your team leader or senior nurse and wider team to consolidate your competences.
Comprehensive tutor support and feedback will be available throughout the programme.
GP Nursing
Foundations of General Practice Nursing course structure - Exeter

The programme

The programme is undertaken over a nine-month period. It is delivered via blended learning consisting of face-to-face taught days, highly directed study (HDS) and includes optional clinical skills training in Immunisation of Children and Adults (aligned to National Standards), The Rotherham Ear Care Training, and Travel Health. There are eight taught days per module with additional flipped classroom activities and e-learning which will form part of preparation for taught sessions and provide evidence to support competences.
The programmes’ assessed learning outcomes (ALOs) are module specific and slightly different, depending on whether you undertake level 6 or level 7 studies.
Programme specification (pdf)


This programme aims to prepare practitioners moving into General Practice with knowledge, skills and capability to deliver person-centred care across the life course, understanding wider influences and principles of population health, generalism and integrated partnership working. 

Education and training is quality assured and benchmarked against national standards to support practitioners to practice safely and effectively within their scope of professional practice.

GP Nursing

Overview of modules

Degree – level 6
By the end of the module, the student will be able to:
  • Critically evaluate the theory and practice of partnership working in the context of General Practice.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of care management and care co-ordination.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the opportunities and challenges of implementing primary and secondary preventative health strategies in General Practice.
  • Explore the underpinning principles of risk assessment, risk management and safeguarding in maximising service user safety and harm free care in the General Practice setting or primary care networks.
  • Evaluate the role and impact of epidemiology, social determinants and health inequalities on the experiences and wellbeing of service users, families and communities.
Masters – level 7
By the end of the module, the student will be able to:
  • Critically evaluate the theory and practice of partnership working in the context of General Practice and identify strategies for change and innovation.
  • Demonstrate understanding and critical application of the principles of care management and care co-ordination.
  • Critically analyse and evaluate the opportunities and challenges of implementing primary and secondary preventative health strategies in General Practice.
  • Critically evaluate the underpinning principles of risk assessment, risk management and safeguarding in maximising service user safety and harm free care in the General Practice setting or primary care networks.
  • Evaluate the role and impact of epidemiology, social determinants and health inequalities on the experiences and wellbeing of service users, families and communities.
Degree – level 6
By the end of the module, the student will be able to:
  • Critically evaluate the application of evidence-based practice to managing consultations and assessment of patients within General Practice.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the principles of personalized care and supporting self-management.
  • Demonstrate the ability to critically reflect on their personal, professional and academic learning and development.
  • Explore the challenges and differences of providing life course healthcare incorporating a range of specialist areas such as paediatrics, mental health and frailty.
  • Demonstrate how their learning and development will enhance service delivery and the quality of life for service users and carers.
Masters – level 7
By the end of the module, the student will be able to:
  • Critically evaluate the application of evidence-based practice to managing consultations and assessment of patients within General Practice and identify strategies for change and innovation.
  • Demonstrate understanding and critical application of the principles of personalised care and supported self-management.
  • Demonstrate the ability to critically reflect on their personal, professional and academic learning and development and take on leadership within their context of care.
  • Critically evaluate the challenges and differences of providing life course healthcare incorporating a range of specialist areas such as paediatrics, mental health and frailty.
  • Justify proposed approaches to enhancing service delivery and the quality of life for service users and carers.
Degree – level 6
By the end of the module, the student will be able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge, understanding and capability in practice to undertake clinical competencies required to fulfil the role of a general practice nurse.
  • Discuss and analyse the developing role of the practice nurse, within the Primary Care Multi-disciplinary team and the interface of general practice with the wider health community.
  • Develop and evidence reflective practice recognising its centrality to the provision of quality patient care.
  • Access and critically analyse the evidence base used to support current practice.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles involved in assessment and management of patients living with long term conditions.
Masters – level 7
By the end of the module, the student will be able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge, understanding and capability in practice to undertake clinical competencies required to fulfil the role of a general practice nurse.
  • Critically analyse and evaluate the developing role of the practice nurse, within the Primary Care Multi-disciplinary team and the interface of general practice with the wider health community.
  • Develop and evidence reflective practice recognising its centrality to the provision of quality patient care, innovation and leadership
  • Access and critically analyse the quality of evidence base used to support current practice.
  • Access, appraise and interpret the principles involved in assessment and management of patients living with long term conditions.

Graduate or Post Graduate Certificate Fundamentals of General Practice

  • General Practice Nursing

    Equips healthcare practitioners with the knowledge and skills to deliver person-centred care in General Practice.

  • Nursing and midwifery

    Undertaking continual professional development is a major investment in your future that can significantly enhance the quality of your professional and personal life.

  • A general practice nurse in her practice environment and with her mentor

    The three Modules of Fundamentals of General Practice Nursing follow a structure known as the spiral curriculum (Bruner, 1960) whereby topics are revisited and built upon to deepen knowledge and understanding through the programme.

  • Nurse talking to young child and mother courtesy of Shutterstock

    Your teaching team will actively encourage you to access the wide range of resources available to you as a postgraduate student to enhance your study.

  • General practice nursing

    General practice nursing

Course details and entry requirements

Level: Degree level 6 or Masters level 7.
Duration: Part-time. Delivered in 24 days over one year.
Delivery method: A blended approach to learning with face to face study days and highly directed online study resources and work-based learning.
Entry requirements:
Graduate Certificate level 6
For entry to the GCert programme the student would normally already hold a Diploma or an honours / non-honours degree in a health or health related subject.
Those individuals without a degree but with appropriate practice related experience relevant to the programme may be eligible to apply.
  • Currently registered with professional body.
  • Employed within General Practice or appropriate primary care setting.
  • Evidence of Current DBS and OH.
  • Evidence of ability to study at selected academic level.
Post Graduate Certificate level 7
Each PGCert applicant is assessed for their ability to study at masters level.
Applicants will normally have a first degree, BSc (Hons) at 2.2 or above; or European first cycle equivalent plus a professional qualification in health or social care. Those individuals without a degree but with appropriate practice related experience relevant to the programme may be eligible to apply but will normally be required to submit a short piece of writing as part of the admissions process to assess the potential student’s ability to study at masters level. An interview may be necessary.
Claims for credit for prior learning, whether certificated or experiential are considered and if suitable accepted for Recognition of Prior learning, following University regulations and Faculty procedures.
Fee: £1,260 per 20 credit module.
Other key facts: Students will remain as part of the workforce and continue to contribute to patient care whilst working towards their qualification.
Programme Lead / Module Lead: Fiona Cook
Module Lead: Sharon Evans
Offers are subject to a satisfactory Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) report.
InterCity Place

You can contact the Professional Development Unit with any queries

Prospective student enquiries:
Current student enquiries:
Professional Development Unit, The University of Plymouth - Intercity Place
Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 17:00 and Friday 8:30 - 16:30.