
Key features

This module will enable students to extend their theoretical knowledge of acute and emergency eyecare and develop their clinical skills to an enhanced level to support differential diagnosis, referral, management and treatment pathways.
This module has been designed to support progression through the Ophthalmic Practitioner Training (OPT) framework in Acute and Emergency Eyecare.

Module code




FHEQ Level

7 – masters degree


Blended learning approach: distance learning delivery of theoretical content, with one face-to-face clinical teaching day at the start of the module, a live webinar opportunity and one face-to-face assessment day at the end of the module.

Module details

This module will equip students with enhanced theoretical knowledge and clinical expertise in relation to acute and emergency eyecare.
Units of study include:
  • Anatomy and Physiology relevant to acute and emergency eyecare.
  • Clinical investigation of the emergency patient.
  • Ocular Trauma.
  • Red eye (non-traumatic).
  • Orbit and Ocular adnexa.
  • Sudden loss of vision.
  • Clinical governance, informed consent and communication.
The assessment for this module includes, written examination, clinical examination (OSCE) and a clinical portfolio with viva.
Learning outcomes
  • Demonstrate a systematic knowledge and understanding of the anatomy, physiology relevant to acute and emergency eyecare.
  • Demonstrate a systematic knowledge and understanding of common acute and emergency conditions including differential diagnosis, management, referral and treatment pathways.
  • Demonstrate the ability to systematically and critically analyse and interpret the clinical findings recorded during the investigation of a patient with an acute and emergency condition and produce accurate clinical management recommendations to meet the differing needs of a variety of patients.
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform advanced clinical assessments to aid the diagnosis and monitoring of acute eye conditions.
  • Systematically organise and communicate with patients to elicit comprehensive and complex clinical information and deliver relevant and accessible advice.

Admissions information

Additional information and documentation required for the application process.
  • Application forms.
  • Change of name forms.
  • Pre-course information.
  • Downloadable guides.
  • Student card.
Admissions information Additional information and documentation required for the application process.Access to application forms, download guides and confirmation information. Visit our admissions homepage.

Module dates

Module start date: 16 September 2024
Clinical teaching dates: 28 October 2024 (in person at University of Plymouth)
Webinar session: 25 November 2024 (virtual 2 hours)
OSCE and written examination day: 13 January 2025 (in person at University of Plymouth)
Viva examination: 07 January 2025 (virtual)
The dates provided are those on which student attendance is needed. There are other key dates for the module (e.g. portfolio submission) which will be provided once the student has been enrolled.
Occasionally delivery dates might be subject to change – always check with the module lead or Professional Development Unit.
Please be aware that all modules run to minimum numbers.
In the event that there are low numbers, this module may be rescheduled to an alternative date.
Some modules are also subject to maximum numbers.


Entry requirements

  • Registered ophthalmic professional working in a clinical area that will facilitate the successful completion of the module learning outcomes.
  • All registered optometrists are eligible to apply for this module. Other ophthalmic professionals are also eligible to apply for this module, however they must be able to provide a certified letter from their employer confirming an appropriate level of competence in the clinical examination of the eye, to include slit lamp examination, optic disc assessment with indirect biomicroscopy and Goldmann applanation tonometry.
  • Due to the blended learning delivery model of this module, it is an expectation that applicants will have access to wi-fi and relevant electronic devices that allow them to engage fully with all aspects of module delivery, teaching, learning and assessment.
  • In some cases, an interview may be required to assess individual ability to meet the requirements of this module.

How to apply

Please complete both application forms below and return to pduadmissions@plymouth.ac.uk

MSc Advanced Clinical Practice in Ophthalmology

This module can be studied as a standalone 20 credit option or as part of the full MSc Advanced Clinical Practice in Ophthalmology.
An innovative and flexible MSc programme supporting the postgraduate development of registered ophthalmic professionals to an advanced level of practice in Clinical Ophthalmology.
Full programme details can be found on our MSc Advanced Clinical Practice in Ophthalmology page.
Green figure with heartbeat image

You can contact the Professional Development Unit with any queries

Prospective student enquiries:
Current student enquiries:
Professional Development Unit, Level 4 Rolle Building, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA, United Kingdom.
Monday – Thursday 8:30–17:00 and Friday 8:30–16:30.