BSc (Hons) Project Manager (Integrated Degree) Apprenticeship
Achieve a professional qualification in project management at IPMA Level D or equivalent

Enquiry form
Apprentices do not pay any course fees – costs are covered by the government and/or employer
If the annual pay bill of your organisation exceeds £3 million you will pay for your apprenticeship training through your levy account. If you have exceeded your levy contribution you will fund apprenticeship training through the co-funded model – to better understand how this will work please contact us.
If you are a non-levy paying organisation (the annual pay bill of your organisation is less than £3 million) or you are a levy organisation who has exceeded their pot, the government will financially co-support your apprenticeship training – they will contribute 95 per cent of the costs and the employer will contribute 5 per cent.
@Develop work-based skills in project management.
@Develop critical thinking skills to prepare you for further qualifications or study.
@Learn from industry specialists and nationally and internationally recognised academics.
@Earn while you learn – develop work-based competencies and a degree in project management whilst maintaining employment.
@High quality project managers are in demand in all sectors across the world.
The programme has been developed in conjunction with employers and provides the knowledge, understanding and skills to enable employees to be more effective in their project management roles, in a broad range of organisational contexts.
The programme explores the concepts and characteristics of project management as an area of academic and applied study. It will support the development of capabilities of analysis, synthesis and evaluation appropriate to degree level study, which will help individuals become more effective in their project management careers.
Duration: 51 months
Hours of study per week: The apprentice will undertake 2 days of learning fortnightly – 1 day will be the formal taught day made up of a combination of face to face and online. The second day will be self-directed learning. During academic holidays the apprentice will undertake 2 days of self-directed learning which has been pre-set.
Delivery type: 50% face-to-face tuition, 50% online study
Entry requirements: The applicant must:
During the on-programme stage, apprentices must collate an evidence portfolio upon which the end-point assessment that includes a Professional Review will be structured. It must contain evidence of meeting the knowledge, skills and behaviours requirements of the standard. There is no preferred platform other than to use APTEM where and when required.
In addition, graduates will be able to analyse new and/or abstract information and situations without guidance, using a range of appropriate techniques.
Key and employment-related skills developed on the programme include: