Apprentices do not pay any course fees – costs are covered by the government and/or employer
Funding models for employers
We can support employers in accessing funding via the apprenticeship levy or provide alternative funding options to minimise or eradicate any up-front cost to the organisation.
There are currently two funding models:
Fully-funded: Levy paying organisations
Co-funded: Non-levy organisations and levy who have exceeded their levy contribution.
If the annual pay bill of your organisation exceeds £3 million you will pay for your apprenticeship training through your levy account. If you have exceeded your levy contribution you will fund apprenticeship training through the co-funded model – to better understand how this will work please contact us.
Employer contribution: Employee salary only
Apprentices contribution: £0
If you are a non-levy paying organisation (the annual pay bill of your organisation is less than £3 million) or you are a levy organisation who has exceeded their pot, the government will financially co-support your apprenticeship training – they will contribute 95 per cent of the costs and the employer will contribute 5 per cent.
Government contribution £15,200
Employer contribution £800
Apprentice contribution £0