Adult nursing students

Information sessions

We have a range of information sessions that you can attend to find out more information about this apprenticeship.
  • Wednesday 19 March at 11:30
  • Thursday 1 May at 12:30
If you have an enquiry about any of the apprenticeships at the University of Plymouth, please complete the below form.
Enquiry form
You can also call us on +44 (0)1752 583625.
Office Hours are Monday-Friday, 08:30 – 16:30

How to apply

The University of Plymouth is one of the first institutions to offer the new Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) standards for nursing education. Our full time BSc (Hons) Nursing programme was approved in 2019.
The potential apprentice will be required to complete an online application form with the support of their employer and the University to ensure the Apprenticeship programme is an appropriate solution to their skills development needs. On completion of the online application form the University will assess the information provided and determine the next steps.
The employer must request the expression of interest form by emailing
Applications for September 2025 are open.
The deadline to apply is 30th June 2025.
For more information or to express your interest please contact us.
Applicants applying via the apprenticeship route must be employed and have full agreement from their employer.
Applicants are screened using a values based recruitment process that builds upon and enhances an already robust application and selection process. All applicants will undertake a face-to-face interview with members of the programme team and clinical partners. Service users are involved in setting interview questions for each field.
Apprentice selection is managed in collaboration with the Central Apprenticeship Hub.
Applicants for the apprenticeship route should demonstrate evidence of:
  • Values in accordance with The Code.
  • Capability to learn behaviours in accordance with The Code.
  • GCSE profile – grade C/4 or above including Maths and English or Level 2 functional skills in Mathematics and English will be considered as an alternative to GCSE Maths and English as specified by ESFA.
  • 104 -120 UCAS Tariff points – depending on field applied for, to include 64 UCAS Tariff points from 2 A Levels. General Studies is not accepted. Health or Science profile is preferred, but not essential.
  • Evidence of academic study within the last 5 years.
Other qualifications will be considered including:
  • Extended BTEC in a science or health-related subject.
  • Access to Higher Education Diploma with 33 Level 3 credits at Merit and/or Distinction including 15 level 3 credits in Science or Social sciences.
  • Extended Science Foundation Degree.
  • Other relevant non-traditional criteria are considered on an individual basis.
Experienced Health Care Professionals – shortened degree apprenticeship
GCSE's: GCSE grade C/4 (or equivalent) in mathematics and English or Functional skills level 2 mathematics and English will be considered as an alternative.
Foundation degree: Completed a relevant FdSc programme leading to Assistant Practitioner/Nursing Associate status (or equivalent).
Experience: 750 – 1150 hours in a relevant clinical practice.
Evidence of learning within the last five years.
Please note: equivalent qualifications may be considered, please contact to enquire.

Fees and funding

  • Apprentices do not pay any course fees.
  • By studying a degree apprenticeship, students will obtain a full honours degree registrable with the NMC and not incur any costs.
  • Fees are paid for by the employer.

Funding models

There are currently two funding models:
  • fully funded: Levy paying organisations.
  • co-funded: Non levy organisations and Levy who have exceeded their Levy contribution.

Course cost

Estimated course cost £26,000 for three year route and £18,000 for shortened programme – final fees pending. Example of costs for funding model based on 2024 fees:

Fully funded
If the annual pay bill of your organisation exceeds £3 million you will pay for your apprenticeship training through your levy account. If you have exceeded your levy contribution you will fund apprenticeship training through the co-funded model – to better understand how this will work please contact us.

Employer contribution £26,000.
Apprentices contribution £0.

If you are a non-levy paying organisation (the annual pay bill of your organisation is less than £3 million) or you are a Levy organisation who has exceeded their pot, the government will financially co-support your apprenticeship training – they will contribute 95% of the costs and the employer will contribute 5%.

Government contribution £24,700
Employer contribution £1,300
Apprentice contribution £0

Programme summary

We understand some of the challenges in developing and retaining highly skilled employees, and we are excited to be offering this degree apprenticeship leading to registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council in three fields of Nursing: Adult Health, Child Health and Mental Health.
The development and design of this degree was a collaborative partnership following national consultation and local consultation with our stakeholders and employers in the region. It aligns with healthcare employers strategic objectives and goals around workforce planning and with the standards set by the NMC (2010) and Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (2018).
The BSc (Hons) Nursing in Child Health and BSc (Hons) Nursing in Mental Health will be delivered at our Plymouth campus with the BSc (Hons) Nursing in Adult Health being offered at our Plymouth campus, Truro campus and Exeter campus.

Programme overview

This contemporary flexible and accessible nursing degree apprenticeship provides the apprentice with the opportunity to remain in salaried employment while studying for a work integrated degree in adult health, child health or mental health nursing registrable with the NMC leading to the title of Registered Nurse.
Apprentices on the three year full-time route will remain supernumerary for the duration of the programme spending time in academic study or supernumerary practice. Apprentices on the part-time route will spend two days per week in their substantive role within their organisation and three days a week engaging in academic study or supernumerary practice. Ongoing support via the University and the employing organisation is available while studying at the University and in placement. There are no costs to the apprentice, with study fees and salaries being paid by the employer.

Who is it for?

The Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship can be taken full time over three years; this route is suitable for healthcare practitioners who are new to healthcare. Alternatively, experienced healthcare practitioners (Assistant Practitioners/Nursing Associates) with relevant healthcare experience and Level 5 qualifications may be eligible to undertake a shortened degree apprenticeship either as a full-time apprentice over 19 months or part time over 23 months (see entry requirements).
For those who are not eligible for nursing through the degree apprenticeships route, please take a look at our BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult Health) , BSc (Hons) Nursing (Mental Health) and BSc (Hons) Nursing (Child Health) courses as an alternative.

How will you be assessed?

On successful completion of this programme you'll be eligible to apply for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council, therefore you must meet all the assessment requirements as set by the NMC and in addition will be required to complete an End Point Assessment.

How will you be supported?

You will have ongoing support of an academic tutor for the duration of the programme as well as receiving the help and support from qualified staff and mentors with an in-depth knowledge of your subject area.
Debbie Coles, nursing degree apprentice.
"I joined the University of Plymouth as a Registered Nurse Degree Apprentice in September 2020 after being part of the NHS since 2003. During my time with the NHS I worked my way up to a Band 4 Assistant Practitioner, but I still wanted to progress. Unfortunately, this was almost an impossibility due to lack of funds; however, the chance came for me when the opportunity to be an apprentice appeared. I have really enjoyed my learning experience – very different due to COVID restrictions, I am a whizz at Zoom lectures – and feel so supported by the team surrounding me. I am now over half way through my second year as a student nurse. I have completed a placement with the community nursing team, which I loved, and I am looking forward to working on an acute ward at the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust. My advice to anyone considering a degree apprenticeship would be go for it, take the opportunity and fly!"
Debbie, Registered Nurse Degree Apprentice (Adult Health) – RDE
Nina Henton-Waller – Registered Nurse, Degree Apprenticeship graduate
"In 2018 I started my journey to become a nurse. I felt that I had gained experience working as a healthcare assistant and assistant practitioner and I wanted to progress further. I applied for the Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship and secured a place. With support from the University of Plymouth and Torbay and South Devon Foundation Trust I was able to integrate my work alongside my studies and importantly continue to receive a salary. With careful planning I was able to achieve a healthy work–family balance which was important to support my own wellbeing. The apprenticeship has been challenging but without a doubt one of the most rewarding experience in my career. I have met lifelong friends and feel that my career opportunities and ongoing studies have greatly expanded. With hard work, determination, support and even in the midst of a global pandemic I am now a Registered Nurse."
Nina, Registered Nurse
