1862 - School of Navigation
Plymouth School of Navigation was first established under the science and art regime.
1970 - Plymouth Polytechnic
In 1962, the School of Navigation was renamed Plymouth's College of Technology, and was granted polytechnic status in 1970.
1989 - Polytechnic South West
1988 saw the amalgamation of Rolle College of Education (Exmouth) and Exeter college of Art and Design with Plymouth Polytechnic. The Seale-Hayne Agricultural College merging in 1989; this merge created the Polytechnic South West.
1992 - The University of Plymouth
Plymouth's Polytechnic was awarded university status in 1992, prompting a name change to The University of Plymouth.
2000 - Joining of Peninsula Medical School
In 2000 the Peninsula Medical School, managed jointly with the University of Exeter, was designated to the University of Plymouth which was a major boost to its status.
2011 - Plymouth University
2011 saw the University of Plymouth undergo a rebranding change, launching itself as Plymouth University.
2018 - University of Plymouth
This year saw the University introduce the 'University of Plymouth' branding.