The University of Plymouth expects all students will attend all scheduled classes, field trips and other events that are part of their programme of study. All teaching is developed to give you relevant, necessary experience. We know that students who do not attend perform less well.
Programme leaders work very hard to make sure that teaching and assignments are well designed, and that they support your learning. Where minimum attendance is required before an assessment can be undertaken this will be clarified in the programme and module handbook.
Procedures are in place to monitor attendance throughout the year. The purpose of attendance monitoring is to pick up on both student welfare and academic progress issues at an early stage. If you fail to submit coursework without notice or regularly fail to attend classes, a letter will be sent to both your home and term-time addresses requesting details of absence.
If you are experiencing difficulties, this will give us an opportunity to signpost you to appropriate support mechanisms. If you do not respond within a specified time and there are no extenuating circumstances to explain your absence, further action will be taken which may ultimately result in you being assumed to have withdrawn. If you are an International student or on a programme that leads to professional body qualifications please be aware that lack of attendance may lead to exclusion, or not obtaining the qualification that you are seeking.
We expect students to engage honestly with systems put in place to monitor attendance, and may take disciplinary action against any student who attempts to bypass systems or provide false information regarding engagement and attendance, whether their own or another student’s.
Information recorded about an individual student’s engagement and attendance will be acted on at the Faculty’s discretion. Students on a Student (formerly Tier 4) visa will have attendance and engagement requirements which are outside of academic regulations.
Please see separate information regarding the University’s responsibility to monitor the engagement of students on a Student or Tier 4 visa, and actions that are taken if a student on a Student visa is not attending or engaging with their course satisfactorily.