Board of Governors

The Board has specific responsibility for the determination of the educational character and mission of the University and oversight of its activities

The University’s vision of ‘transforming lives through knowledge’ depends upon effective Board leadership which collectively ensures the delivery of its objects, the setting of its strategic direction and the upholding of its values.
Under the Instrument and Articles of Government, the Board has specific responsibility, among other things, for the determination of the educational character and mission of the University and oversight of its activities, financial solvency and approval of budgets, and the senior management structure. The Board approves the University’s mission, vision and values and strategy , and is responsible, with the wider University community and the executive, for ensuring that those objectives are effectively delivered. It agrees Key Performance Indicators against which it can monitor the University’s performance against target.
The Board is also there to ensure that the University complies with its legal and charitable responsibilities and acts as steward of its long-term health and sustainability.
The Board has drawn up a Statement of Primary Responsibilities which elaborates on the responsibilities in the Instrument and Articles and takes account also of its legal responsibilities in relation to, for example, charity law, equality and diversity, health and safety, and procurement.
As part of the statement, the Board has also identified the qualities it is looking for in individuals appointed to membership of the Board, including critically a commitment to our mission, vision and values. Governors also need the ability to analyse complex information, to challenge constructively, to respect confidentiality, to think independently and strategically, and to work as part of a team. The Board is committed to enhancing the diversity of its membership.
The roles and responsibilities of the officers of the Board and the terms of reference, membership and other requirements relating to the Board and its committees are set out in the University's Bye-laws which supplement the Instrument and Articles of Government.


Governance team

Our governance team is based on the campus and consists of:
Clerk to the Board of Governors – Jackie Hunt
The role of the Clerk to the Board includes:
  • Clerk to the Board, Finance, Health and Safety Assurance, Honorary Awards, Nominations and Audit Committees
  • relationship liaison between the Board and Executive
  • Board development
  • Board effectiveness reviews
  • monitor and advise on best practice in governance in HE and other sectors.
Administrators to the Board of Governors – TBC
The role of the Administrator includes:
  • liaison with governors
  • administration of the Board and its Committees
  • maintenance of the Register of Interests
  • maintenance of appropriate records
  • support for the University Secretary and Clerk to the Board.
Contact with any member of the Board of Governors can be made through the following email:
Office of the Vice-Chancellor
University of Plymouth
Drake Circus