Saniye Smith, postgraduate researcher, CDT SuMMeR: Cohort 1

Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Management of UK Marine Resources (CDT SuMMeR)

Saniye Smith


Past research projects have included scrutinising the effectiveness of International Environmental Law in protecting highly migratory species such as sharks. Reviewing the role of the Blue Economy in a Globalised world, discussing, the vital role that ecosystem services play and the importance of preserving these services as a means to mitigate climate change impacts in the future. Alongside considering the impact that globalisation has had on fisheries in Small Island Developing States, such as Fiji.

Research interests

In previous roles, I've been fortunate enough to work domestically and internationally for a variety of different stakeholders. Much of my work, overseas and at home, cemented the importance of community-led initiatives and bottom-up approaches.

PhD research: Management approaches and tools to empower fishing communities

This PhD will aim to provide co-management scenarios and solutions for inshore fisheries through the in-depth understanding of the needs, conflicts and values of actors in the system. It will also map out the legislative landscape within which co-management scenarios would have to operate and attempt to identify legal and legislative frameworks to enable co-management. Research will identify evidence and data needs and investigate technology solutions to break down barriers to implementation. Finally, these potential management scenarios will be modelled using Cardigan Bay in Wales as a case study.

Why I applied for the CDT SuMMeR

There is a growing consensus from the public and businesses for improved legislation surrounding sustainable management of the seas. The ocean can provide a number of diverse opportunities to society. It has the potential to address food security challenges, is a source of renewable energy, can mitigate some of the worst-known effects of climate change, and offer sustainable livelihoods globally. The knowledge of these benefits is only of use if there is the political will in place. The SuMMeR CDT has provided the perfect platform to address some of the most pressing issues of our time.