PhD research: Building evidence for action: Novel assessment of ocean acidification impacts around the UK
This project focuses on the following 3 objectives:
1) To review the status of the UK marine environment in relation to ocean acidification (OA) and assess the vulnerability of key biota;
2) To make projections of future risk to ecosystems and ecosystem services;
3) To understand stakeholder vulnerabilities, potential adaptation strategies and barriers to action, and assess the potential impact of action on reducing the risk of OA.
To meet these objectives it is planned that the initial phase of the PhD will be spent addressing 1) and 2) using existing data and models. The findings from objectives 1) and 2) will then be used to determine subjects for further investigation using laboratory experiments and/or observations for objective 3). This will then form the basis for discussions and workshops with key stakeholders to address the remaining aspects of objective 3) and feed back to the DEFRA Climate Evidence team. In addition to discussions and workshops, it is planned that stakeholders will be engaged with through a brief yearly-survey throughout the duration of the project to ensure research is appropriately focussed to have maximum relevance to the communities most at risk from OA.