Academic Timetabling at the University
Timetabling at the University of Plymouth sits at the heart of the student experience and the central timetabling team work closely with schools, the estates team and other colleagues across the University to support the delivery of quality teaching whilst also optimising staff schedules and ensuring efficient use of the University’s teaching space.
As part of academic registry, the University timetabling team are responsible for the scheduling, maintenance and publication of the University’s timetable and the allocation of bookable rooms for staff.
How to access your timetable
There are a number of ways to access your timetable:
- by selecting the 'UoP MyTimetable' button at the top of this page
- navigating directly to
- by downloading the mobile app. Instructions for downloading the app can be found by selecting the ‘UoP app’ button at the top of this page
- by logging into the DLE and selecting ‘MyTimetable’ from the ‘Tools & Resources’ drop down menu.
Note: for medical and dental students your timetable will be situated on the DLE or Outlook as explained at your induction.
Information contained on the University app is downloaded directly from the Central MyTimetable webpage so please ensure your module and programme enrolment selection are recorded correctly.
Viewing your programme timetable via the UoP MyTimetable webpage
- Log in to MyTimetable using your username and password (please see how to access your timetable above).
- Select the ‘+ Add Timetable’ button to the right hand side of the screen.
- From here you can select programme of study from the drop down menu.
- In the pop up box you can then search for your programme of study by typing your programme name in the search field e.g. Biomedical Science. As you type you will see a list of the programmes start to appear that matches the title of the programme that you are studying.
- Select the box next to your specific programme and ensure that you have selected your correct stage of study.
E.g. BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science Stage 2 (3628/2/21/AU/S)
- Once the programme has been selected, choose the ‘Add timetables’ button at the bottom of the pop up box. This will now add your programme timetable and its corresponding modules to the main MyTimetable screen as shown below.