Combined laptop and book (edit)

The CPAF is made up of 4 key parts:

1. Learning agreement

The learner should prepare the learning agreement and complete this section following discussion and agreement with the practice educator. This should also be reviewed at midway and end of placement but is applicable on every day of placement.

2 Professional behaviours and responsibilities

This section should be competed at midway and end of placement.

3. Learning domains

This section should be completed at midway and end of placement.

4. Feedback from others

Learners are assessed on the following parts at both the midway and end of placement points: professional behaviours and responsibilities and learning domains. They MUST both be passed independently by the final assessment.

Help and support

If you are having any difficulty using the CPAF site, please contact the POPPI team.
If you receive any error messages it is useful if you can send us a screenshot of the message along with the detail of when the message appeared.