It's important that you speak to your bank in your home country before leaving.
Ask if they have a special relationship with a UK bank that may help you to set up an account.
It's also a good idea to ask them if you can use your cash card in cash machines in the UK to access money from your home country account.
It can be useful to bring a bank statement, or a University letter addressed to your home country address, to help you open an account in the UK.
It can take up to three weeks to open a UK bank account, so make sure you have access to money for this period.
Some banks also require a local address to open the account, so depending on which bank you choose, you'll have to pay rent and a deposit to secure your accommodation first.
Opening a UK bank account is not essential but you will find it useful if you need to:
- Pay for a UK mobile phone contract by direct debit
- Pay household bills directly from your bank account
- Receive payment for part-time work
- Securely manage your money
- Send or receive overseas payments