Under 18s
In line with our philosophy of providing a supportive environment, the University of Plymouth is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all of our students, including our under-18 students.
- Student Accommodation Services will ensure where possible that you are housed with other students of a similar age.
- The hall team will hold regular events to help you integrate into the residential community.
As partners in the provision of a safe and supportive environment for each resident, we require the parent(s)/guardian(s) of an under-18 resident to:
- agree that Student Accommodation Services and the University cannot assume parental responsibility for the under-18 resident,
- advise your child that they may not enter licensed premises while they are under the age of 18,
- advise your child that they may not hold office while they are under the age of 18,
- guarantee to honour the accommodation contract for your son/daughter.
Whilst Student Accommodation Services will make every effort to provide the best possible living environment for you, it is ultimately the responsibility of you and your parent(s)/guardian(s) to assess whether the accommodation on offer is suitable to your needs and whether its terms of occupancy are reasonable. We strongly recommend and will normally facilitate students under the age of 18 to book en suite and single sex accommodation.