Polling station

Why should I be on the electoral register?

If you are not registered you can't vote. The electoral register is also used in credit referencing when buying some items, such as mobile phones, or opening a bank account. Some employers also check credit referencing.

I'm not British, can I vote?

Commonwealth and Republic of Ireland citizens are entitled to register and vote in all elections in Britain. Citizens of European Union states are entitled to register and vote in local and European elections.

I'm already registered at my home address

That's great, though it is worth checking that you still are. You are entitled to be registered at home and your University address. At local council elections you can vote in both as well.

I'm not interested in voting

Voting is not compulsory so you can choose whether to vote or not.

Electoral register

If you haven't registered to vote in Plymouth before, please think about doing so as you settle into life at the University. If you're British, or a Commonwealth or Republic of Ireland citizen you are entitled to register to vote in all elections in Britain. Citizens of European Union states are entitled to register to vote in local and European elections.
As part of your enrolment with the University, you will be given the opportunity to register to vote via the online national electoral register. This will enable you to vote in national and local elections.
Voter handing in ballot paper for election