Tools and technologies to support productivity
Providing you with the resources, tools and technologies to support you in the development of your digital skills and capabilities

We have a range of Adobe products available at the University. Find out more about our suite of Adobe products.
Help and guidance for using browsers, including: understanding what cookies are, clearing your browser cache, bookmarks, and using tabs.
Manage and update your personal details, access your pay slips, book annual leave, book on a learning event.
Access the University's main finance portal, including signposting to finance systems, forms, and relevant team sites.
The University's web-based IT portal, providing 24/7 access to: report a fault or issue; raise a request for a new PC or laptop; track the progress of a log, useful guidance and FAQs; update your staff personal profile page, and more.
Find information about your University credentials (username/email + password); find out how to change your password and how to protect yourself from cyber crime; access advice on creating your personal profile page.
The Microsoft cloud storage service that allows you to save documents, photos and other files. OneDrive also allows you to edit, share and collaborate on your files with colleagues.
Microsoft Outlook is the University's tool for emails, calendar and contacts etc. Access more information and guidance.
Microsoft SharePoint team sites are cloud-hosted storage sites that provide an area to create, store and share everyday working files with your team. Access further information and guidance.
Teams is a collaboration workspace that allows you to use instant chat with colleagues, have online meetings or webinars, and keep notes and documents in one space.
MS 365 is a suite of collaboration and communication tools used at the University. Access further information, support and guidance on the main productivity tools available in the MS 365 suite.
Primo is the University's main library tool, providing access to your library account, databases, eJournals, inter-library loans, eBooks and more.
All students and staff automatically have a print account, linked to their University ID cards. Find out about how to add money to your print account and where you can access the various types of printers available at the University.
The ODC is a dedicated site for publishing and accessing the most current version of any official University document.
S4 brings together information relating to individual students in a single place. It is accessed through the Salesforce platform and is available to University staff with a Salesforce login via their University IT Account.
The University provides many applications for business use and for teaching and learning purposes. These are managed centrally and made available, either by installing them on your machine, or to access via the University Software Center.
The Staff Portal is an area that provides access to the important information and systems required by staff and students. There is easy access to your email, OneDrive, DLE (Moodle), University team sites, Human Resources, useful links, news and more.
The gateway to the University’s most frequently used services and key information surrounding student life. Quickly check your emails, find out where your next session is, or navigate around the campus.
Information, guidance and access to software, to support students learning from home.
The official University of Plymouth app is the must have resource for students. Full of helpful University information that is easily accessible wherever you are, this is your guide to campus life.
Access information and guidance on Eduroam (education roaming), the University's Wi-Fi – including details of internet access in student halls of residence. Eduroam provides a faster and more secure service for University students and staff.
Access the Work from Home web page to find guides and links to support working from home, including details of free software, licensed for staff to download and use on home devices.
Zoom is a web conferencing tool that enables communication, collaboration and interaction between users in a variety of ways.
Additional software available to students on all campus PCs.