Helping you to find valuable volunteering experiences

Working at the China Bear Rescue Centre in Chengdu was a dream come true. I knew by my third day it would be one of the most incredible and enriching experiences of my life and completely change me. Even now three years later, just thinking about my time there brings me so much joy.
Volunteering gives you the opportunity to give back to your community. I have managed to become a leader and an effective team worker through my diverse volunteering history. I have made connections and built my network (crucial for future career prospects) and bagged a placement through this. You do it for free because it’s your passion and money could not buy the experiences you gain helping others in a society that need it. It gives you a buzz and something to be proud of.
Volunteering as one of the dance coaches with the University of Plymouth Dance Club (UPDC) has improved my confidence, especially when talking in front of large groups of people. It has also improved my organisational and time management skills, having to balance teaching two classes a week plus planning time around my studies. I have loved having a creative outlet at university as well as meeting some amazing new members and being a part of running the club that gave me so much during my first year! The role has been challenging, but I'm really happy to have had something positive to focus on throughout this academic year! It also gave me a sense of pride seeing my classes progress and perform dances I'd choreographed!
These experiences have made me much more confident in myself and my abilities as well as improving the chance of me getting a job within my chosen career.