University of Plymouth: The effects of adding web-based coaching to an exercise referral scheme.
Person-Centred Coordinated Care (PCCC)
We have defined person-centred and coordinated care (PCCC) as: ‘Care that is guided by and organised effectively around the needs and preferences of the individual’.
Dementia in the maritime community
University of Plymouth Community and Primary Care research group - Dementia in the maritime community
Social prescribing for older people in the time of COVID drawing on the cultural sector
University of Plymouth Primary Care. COVID-19 research - Social prescribing for older people in the time of COVID drawing on the cultural sector
Delivering dementia screening to older adults within Makueni County, Kenya
Community Mental Health Transformation
Community Mental Health Framework Pilot Evaluation. England has identified 12 pilot sites across England to test potential models of delivery of community mental health services.
Nature on Prescription for Mental Health: Feasibility Stage for the ‘greENGAGE’ Trial Stage
A team from the University of Exeter and University of Plymouth are conducting a feasibility study of nature-based activities reached through social prescribing.
Cultivating neighbourhoods that care
Ian Sherriff, Academic Partnership Lead for Dementia at the University of Plymouth, is part of the UK team working on an International Standards Organisation programme for designing neighbourhoods that lead to a better quality of life.
Pulmonary rehabilitation in Uganda
University of Plymouth: A development study to examine feasibility and acceptability of pulmonary rehabilitation in Uganda for adults with chronic respiratory disease
Very Brief Advice smoking cessation
University of Plymouth: Very Brief Advice smoking cessation. Implementing very brief advice (VBA) smoking cessation training for delivery by healthcare workers in Crete, Kyrgyzstan, Uganda and Vietnam
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