Displaying results 5431 - 5440 of 5710 in total
The history of singing Christmas carols
The history of singing Christmas carols. Discover how this Christmas tradition began and has changed over time.
What is floating offshore wind (FLOW)?
What is floating offshore wind (FLOW)? Discover why this renewable energy source is a fast-growing sector and how the University is developing FLOW opportunities in the Celtic Sea.
The Ecology and Conservation of Goldsinny Wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) in Coastal Marine Ecosystems
University of Plymouth: PhD studentship – funded PhD project (UK students only): The Ecology and Conservation of Goldsinny Wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) in Coastal Marine Ecosystems.
Professor Bing Hu - Professor of Oral Biology (Research)
Ms Rebecca Lee - Head of Content and Digital Experience
Dr Boksun Kim - Associate Professor of Structural Engineering
Dr Sachin Mangla - Visiting Research Fellow
Mr Tim Murray - Lecturer in Adult Nursing
Dr Ralph Hammond - Lecturer in Advanced Clinical Practice
Ms Yvette Gonzalez - Visiting Researcher