How has the representation of the gothic villain changed throughout literature?
How has the representation of the gothic villain changed throughout literature? Explore how the archetypal villain and the narratives of the Gothic genre have been replayed and re-worked for contemporary audiences
Past climate change to blame for Antarctica’s giant underwater landslides
University of Plymouth news: An international team of researchers, led by Lecturer in Hydrography and Ocean Exploration Dr Jenny Gales, has discovered the cause of giant underwater landslides in Antarctica.
150th events
150 with University of Plymouth - learn more about our events highlights.
Connecting with the industry
Civil Engineering
As a course focused on employability, we’ve developed a number of relationships with the industry to help provide you with the connections and opportunities you’ll need to begin your career.
The Wallflower Project
A series of murals created across the city.
School of Biological and Marine Sciences postgraduate opportunities – virtual drop-in session
What's on at the University of Plymouth: School of Biological and Marine Sciences postgraduate opportunities – virtual drop-in session. Find out more about postgraduate study. Online, 12 March 2025.
Dental clinic’s blood pressure check enables patient to receive life-saving heart treatment
University of Plymouth news: A new study highlights the benefits of blood pressure case-finding clinics, run by the Peninsula Dental School, which alerted a patient to the need for urgent medical treatment
Andrei Rublev (1966)
Andrei Rublev (15) introduced by Mary Costello, Exhibitions Programme Curator. Widely regarded as Tarkovsky’s finest film, it charts the life of the iconic painter through turbulent 15th-century Russian history. Selected by David Quinn, curator of lucent.
Dr Sophia Hulbert - Lecturer in Physiotherapy
Transatlantic Exchanges Forum recent work
Conferences, exhibitions, seminars and publications linked to the University of Plymouth based Transatlantic Exchanges Forum
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