Students and family
University of Plymouth students are partners in the organisation; leading, enhancing and sustaining a quality student experience.
International student profiles
Interviews with students from our international community at the University of Plymouth.
Student employees celebrated in national competition
Plymouth University news: Plymouth students who excel in part-time work and full-time study have been celebrated by the National Association of Student Employment Services (NASES).
Returning to study as a mature student
University of Plymouth: Over 30 per cent of our students are over the age of 21 when they start their degree. Be part of a thriving community of mature students.
Student awards celebrate teaching stars
Plymouth University news: Students have thanked their 'stand out' academics and peers at the annual SSTAR Awards
University of Plymouth Student Charter
The University of Plymouth Student Charter is a tripartite agreement between the University, the University of Plymouth Students’ Union (UPSU) and the student body.
Supporting mature students through study
Advice for academic staff on how to support mature students returning to study.
Student contract
University of Plymouth: student contract
Students as partners
At the University of Plymouth, whether you're a student or a member of staff, we all work together to enhance the student experience.
The University of Plymouth Students’ Union has a commitment to...
The University of Plymouth Student Charter. The University of Plymouth Students’ Union commitment.
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