Use gallery feature panels on staff profiles
Use gallery feature panels on staff profiles. Create and add an image gallery to your staff page, giving you the opportunity to show examples of your teaching and research.
Medical research funders, governments and research waste – are taxpayers getting ‘bang for their buck’?
Plymouth University opinion piece: It is estimated that 85% of medical research is wasted. Dr Mona Nasser argues that funding bodies are not taking responsibility for the research they have funded, and that governments are not holding them to account
Plymouth comes together to mark Refugee Week 2019
Partners in Plymouth are working together to mark national Refugee Week and celebrate the contribution of displaced people to British society
Choosing the right course for you
University of Plymouth: Choosing just one subject to study for three or more years can be a tricky one. Read our advice and tips on how to make the decision easier.
Biodiversity at a Crossroads | Research Festival 2020
University of Plymouth Research Festival 2020: Biodiversity at a Crossroads, investigating how interdisciplinary research responds to global environmental challenges. Monday 20 January 2020.
Miss Dimitra Saliakelli - Senior Clinical Lecturer/Associate Professor/Specialist in Paediatric Dentistry
From the South West to Seoul: making experiences to shape a lifetime
After graduating in BSc (Hons) Sociology at Plymouth, Daniel Giblett is now putting theory in practice on an Asian adventure.
Freedom of information
The Freedom of Information Act, which came into force on 1 January 2005, gives everyone a statutory right of access to information held by bodies such as the University.
Assessing the effects of climate change in the Arctic
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Dr Katrin Schmidt, from the University of Plymouth's School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, talks about life on a two-month research expedition to the North Pole
Considering further study
Things to consider when thinking about further study after graduation
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