Environment Manager
Environmental Science
Lorna Pilbin's graduate profile
James Goodship - graduate profile
Marine Technology
Studying the BEng Marine Technology degree at University of Plymouth gave me the opportunity to move closer towards my goal of becoming a professional engineer in the marine industry.
Samaria Bezzina
Samaria Bezzina profile.
GOALD for researchers
GOALD was run collaboratively by the University of Stirling and the University of Plymouth’s Centre for Health Technology (CHT). Find out more about the the academic dimension of this research programme.
Teaching resources
University of Plymouth: Teaching resources from the FRESH AIR project - Lung health education materials for use in schools in Uganda.
Careers insight programme
Our Careers Insight Programme includes 100 hours of work experience working on a clearly defined project. Upon successful completion of the programme, you will be awarded a bursary payment of £1,000
Dr Helen Watson - Associate Professor of Bioscience (Education)
Geographical Information Systems Specialist
Louise Walker's graduate profile
Plymouth University outperforms on access to medical school
Plymouth University news: The Medical Schools Council has published a report "Selecting for Excellence" focusing on selection methods adopted by medical schools and what they do to encourage widening participation - in light of which Plymouth outperforms
Research in the blood
Plymouth University research news: Number four in a series of REF case studies, looking at how Professor Neil Avent has been researching the diagnosis of pre-natal conditions through non-intrusive methods.
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