Evolution of life in the ocean changed 170 million years ago
Research led by academics from the University of Plymouth suggests the ocean as we understand it today was shaped by a global evolutionary regime shift around 170 million years ago.
Film crews capture first evidence of leopard seals sharing food
James Robbins, a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Plymouth, has led a new study which showed up to 36 seals feeding at the same king penguin colony in South Georgia
Crab larvae already showing effects of coastal acidification
Ocean acidification is having a profound impact on a prized crustacean that supports the most valuable fishery on the West Coast of the United States, according to a new study involving the University of Plymouth
Coastal cities leave up to 75% of seafloor exposed to harmful light pollution
A study led by the University of Plymouth showed that under both cloudy and clear skies, quantities of light used in everyday street lighting permeated all areas of the water column.
Pheasants at risk on unfamiliar ground
University of Plymouth news: New research involving Dr Mark Whiteside, Lecturer in Animal Welfare, found that pheasants are most likely to be killed by predators on unfamiliar ground.
Wildfire and drainage accelerate carbon loss from northern peatlands
University of Plymouth news: New research published in Nature Climate Change has estimated how degradation, wildfire combustion and post-fire dynamics influence carbon emissions from non-permafrost peatlands.
Digital support can significantly reduce anxiety among autistic adults
University of Plymouth news: A new study into the effectiveness of Brain in Hand, which provides autistic adults with 24/7 support and practical tools to manage the challenges of everyday life, has shown it can significantly reduce anxiety levels.
Scientists develop novel approach to help map diverse habitats and species in the unexplored deep ocean
University of Plymouth news: An international team of researchers has developed a novel solution to mapping the southern hemisphere’s deep ocean which they hope will fill gaps in knowledge around the species and habitats it contains
Hidden moles in hidden holes
University of Plymouth news: Scientists have identified two types of mole which they believe have been living undiscovered in the mountains of eastern Turkey for as many as 3 million years.
Tropical forests may be approaching a critical high-temperature threshold
University of Plymouth news: A study published in Nature, co-authored by Associate Professor in Terrestrial Ecology Dr Sophie Fauset, has found some tropical leaves are already reaching temperatures at which they can no longer function.
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