Postgraduate research studentships
University of Plymouth: Funding opportunities at the University of Plymouth for postgraduate research degrees including PhD, MPhil, ResM and professional doctorate programmes.
EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnerships Funding
Within this EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) we aim to fund PhD studentships and Vacation Internships.
Government Minister visits Plymouth to see pioneering community dentistry facility
A Cabinet Minister has praised the work of the University of Plymouth and Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise (PDSE) CIC in offering free treatment to people currently experiencing homelessness in the city.
Tackling planetary health: Madhumita Kolluri and Niamh McCormack
University of Plymouth: Madhumita Kolluri and Niamh McCormack on tackling planetary health.
Student’s story takes light-hearted look at pandemic to help children stay safe
A final-year dentistry student from the University of Plymouth has written a book to help make the coronavirus pandemic “less daunting” for children
Wordotomy – see the new game taking healthcare teaching by storm
University of Plymouth news: Wordotomy – see the new game taking healthcare teaching by storm. Dr Siobhan Moyes and Dr John Chilton have designed a game to help students understand anatomy terminology.
Marine litter student awarded scholarship from Sky Ocean Rescue and National Geographic
University of Plymouth PhD student Imogen Napper has been awarded a scholarship by Sky Ocean Rescue and National Geographic to investigate the most effective ways to prevent microplastics being released into the environment when washing clothes
How prepared are medical students for their career in practice? New report investigates
University of Plymouth news. How prepared are medical students for their career in practice? New report investigates.
Experience active tectonics and hazards in California
University of Plymouth: Experience active tectonics and hazards in California. Geology fieldwork in Death Valley, California.
Mr Matt Baker - Student Recruitment Outreach Marketing and Communications Officer
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