Week one
Vocal health – preparing and maintaining your voice.
This session will focus on how to take care of your voice and use it sustainably in any environment. Through a clear progression of exercises, you will develop techniques to ensure a healthy and effective voice.
Week two
Status – entering a space with confidence.
This week we will explore our habits good and bad. Through careful observation and feedback, we can begin to explore what does and does not allow us to be our most expressive selves. This session will look at the first impression we give off when we enter a room and develop techniques to enable us to make a positive first impression. As well as finding ways to make us feel present and at home as a presenter.
Week three
Text detectives – using the punctuation to help you.
In this session we will begin to look at how marking up your speech and paying attention to the punctuation can support you in delivering a clear and well-paced presentation.
Week four
Text detectives – using the text to help you.
This week will focus on exploring how to find key words and ways to make your speech sound more interesting and engaging.
Week five
Body and voice – body and gesture and how it can help deliver your message.
This week will be a chance to explore gesture and how it can support and, if done effectively, enhance your presentation. By trying out some exercises that combine voice and gesture we will develop strategies that allow us to find gestures that directly match our words.
Week six
Our final session will be an opportunity to share the pieces that you’ve been working on, in an online presentation. This will be for an invited audience only and will be a work in progress showing.