Geography fieldwork
An essential part of studying geography

USA Pacific North
West Fieldtrip. Photograph by Professor Jon Shaw
Fieldwork and experiential learning in the development of knowledge and understanding are essential aspects of geography
Subject Benchmark Statement Geography, UK Quality Assurance Agency (2022)
Fieldwork is a vital part of geography and ours is among the very best programmes in the UK.
"One of the highlights of my degree was the North West USA fieldwork module." Amy Sparrow, BA Geography
Oscar, BA (Hons) Geography student, shares his experience of a course field trip in Torquay.
Geography students investigate causes and impacts of devastating forest fires in Oregon
For the past decade, geography students on our Pacific North West field course have been examining the causes and effects of wildfires in Eastern Oregon. Working with the United States Forest Service, they have explored how fire impacts on slope hydrology and how the forest itself has coped with fire.
Wild fires are a natural part of the ecosystem along the Pacific coast and tree species present there have evolved to make use of fire to propagate and win competitive advantage. Challenges for the present day come not just from climate change but arise from a more complex history of 20th and early 21st century fire management, private property rights, and political and economic drivers, among others.
During the field courses students have learned specialist techniques, such as tree coring, to gain first-hand experience of how to research and address these challenges.