The Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems (CRNS) has an international reputation for leadership in cognitive robotics and neural computation.
The main areas of research are:
- The application of mathematical and computational modelling, brain imaging, visualisation and cognitive modelling.
- The investigation and understanding of the interaction between humans and intelligent systems, with an emphasis on language and non-verbal communication.
- The use of computational and robotics modelling methods to investigate cognitive functions.
- Humanoid robotics and human-robot interaction (for children and the elderly).
- Our cybersecurity research spans both technology and human aspects, with technical topics including active authentication, non-intrusive biometrics, intrusion detection and response, alongside attention to human aspects such as awareness and culture and research into security and usability.
- Our research on multimedia networking covers key technologies (e.g. voice, video and data) with a focus on optimisation and management of the Quality of Experience (QoE) for multimedia services (e.g. VoIP, IPTV and social TV).
The school also carried out multi-disciplinary research. This includes collaboration with other disciplines such as social science, medical science, psychology and mathematics.