Here at the University of Plymouth we recognise the importance of enthusing the next generation of scientists, whether it is through visits to local schools, in house events, or wider promotion of the subject via national societies.
The School of Biological and Marine Sciences at the University of Plymouth welcome invitations to participate in outreach events such as talks, short workshops or careers fairs. These can either be through University staff visits or by visits to the University of Plymouth. We do not charge for speakers but would require you to cover reasonable travel and subsistence costs for staff visits. If you would like to request a visit, please complete the form.
Talks currently available:
These talks are aimed at GCSE and A Level students.
Please complete the form to book a talk, If the talk you are interested in is not listed, get in contact and we can see what we can offer.
Please complete the form to book a talk, If the talk you are interested in is not listed, get in contact and we can see what we can offer.