An intriguing insight into Big Data technological revolution and sentiment analysis on social media.
Below you'll find links to all the systems available to the University of Plymouth that will help you through the different stages of your research journey and capture the information that is an essential part of your research.

Research Information System (RIS)

The Research Information System (RIS) is a central hub for all research activity data, making it easy to access, reuse, and share. 
It gathers, displays, and analyses content related to research activities. It helps researchers to increase their visibility, comply with open access requirements, find potential collaborators, and create CVs and impact narratives. It also helps research managers and administrators to monitor and analyse research performance, quality and impact across different organisational units. 
Atom. Atomic series. Abstract concept of atom and quantum waves illustrated with fractal elements


About Pure

Pure is the core element of the University of Plymouth's Research Information System (RIS). It connects with other university systems (human resources, student records, finance), and with external databases like Scopus to collect information about and create relationships between the research outputs, awards, projects, impact and activities associated with our researchers. This information is used for internal reporting and to support evaluation exercises like the Research Excellence Framework (REF) and the yearly ResearchFish submission.
Pure populates the University of Plymouth Research Portal.

Log into Pure

University of Plymouth academic and technical staff and postgraduate research students can access Pure at

Useful links and contacts

  • University of Plymouth users of Pure can access support and guidance via the RIS Support site.
  • For any other help or enquiries regarding Pure, please contact 

University of Plymouth Research Portal

About the Research Portal

The University of Plymouth Research Portal, which is powered by Pure, provides open access to information and content related to the University's research. This includes profiles of researchers and research units, publications, datasets, theses, project details and information about the University's research activities. Visitors to the Portal can explore the content using different methods, such as concept and network maps.
The portal is a great tool to explore our experts and areas of knowledge, and to identify possible partners for research projects.
Access the Research Portal

Useful links and contacts

  • University of Plymouth users can access support and guidance via the RIS Support site.
  • For any other help or enquiries regarding the Portal, please contact 

The University's research repository – PEARL


PEARL (Plymouth Electronic Archive and Research Library) is the open access research repository & publishing platform for the University of Plymouth. It safeguards, preserves and promotes public access to a growing body of full text outputs, theses and datasets generated through the research activities of the University.  PEARL also offers staff an integrated publishing platform for setting up local journals and hosting conferences at Plymouth.
Researchers can deposit outputs to PEARL via Pure. Staff can take advantage of PEARL's features as a publication platform for hosting local conferences or setting up a Plymouth journal by contacting the Library.

Useful links and contacts


Other systems supporting research