An interactive event for staff and postgraduate research students focused on the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF).
This event provided an exciting line-up of speakers and plenty of opportunities to make new connections; the day was of massive value to University staff and postgraduate research students who were interested in how they can get involved and help shape funded research projects that work across academic disciplines, across organisations and across countries and continents to have genuine impact in developing countries.
- 9:30–10:00 – Registration, coffee and informal networking
- 10:00 – Welcome: Professor Jerry Roberts, DVC (Research), University of Plymouth
- Keynote: Professor Tim Wheeler, Director of Science and Innovation, NERC.
GCRF priority Challenge Areas themed presentations
Short presentations from leading researchers, some of whom have been awarded GCRF funds, focused on a specific global challenge and activities the University is already involved in. Members of the audience were encouraged to identify how different academic areas and organisations could help strengthen projects in these areas.
The Global Challenge Areas are highlighted below against the presenter for each.
- Sustainable cities and communities (Dr Katherine Willis)
- Sustainable health and wellbeing (Professor Judy Edworthy)
- Resilience and action on short-term environmental shocks and long-term environmental change (Professor Iain Stewart)
- Inclusive and equitable quality education (Professor Pauline Kneale)
- Clean air, water and sanitation (Professor Will Blake)
- Secure and resilient food systems (Dr Lucy Turner)
- Understand and effectively respond to forced displacement and multiple refugee crises (Dr Haya Al-Dajani)
- Renewable energy and materials (Professor Deborah Greaves)
- Sustainable health and wellbeing (Dr Rupert Jones)
Discussions and networking sessions (including lunch)
After the talks attendees were invited to join follow-on discussions and networking focused upon different Priority Challenge Areas. Through these informal facilitated sessions, it is hoped that interdisciplinary connections were made and project ideas shared about how researchers from across the University, and our partner organisations from across the world, can collaborate to help address the challenges and secure funding from GCRF and linked funds.
There will also were drop in areas where you could get more information about the schemes, how to apply and talk to those who have been involved in applications so far to get first-hand tips and lessons learned.
Individuals, including those who could not attend, were be able to have information displayed on the day about their interests, connections and ideas to help further facilitate connections and showcase the diverse talents and partnerships held by the University which relate to GCRF.
Event outcomes
Supported by all of the University Research Institutes this event established connected groups that align under key priority challenge areas to develop their projects, partnerships and proposals in order to be well placed to respond to related calls over the coming years.
This event complemented Sustainable Earth 2017, the annual event for the Sustainable Earth Institute, which took place on 29 and 30 June 2017. The agenda for Sustainable Earth 2017 was framed around a number of the GCRF Challenge Areas and focused on building collaborations.