Ardhi na kujifunza (land and learning): Building a sustainable future on the Jali Ardhi legacy
Dr Claire Kelly successfully secured GCRF funding in 2018. Read more about the project and how these funds were integral to conducting this research.

This project brings together Tanzanian and UK scientists and the Maasai people to explore soil erosion causes and impacts in Maasai communities that are in a state of transition from pastoralism to sedentary and agri-pastoral livelihoods.
The project delivers skills training for the next generation of in-country researchers, agronomists and policymakers.
@Enhanced capacity of the researchers to address intractable challenges such as soil erosion, and support affected communities to develop alternative and sustainable livelihoods.
ÄPartnership between the University and NM-AIST has led to implementation of new and improved quality control protocols and procedures and problem-solving skills in NM-AIST labs.
(Field research has led to the development of a new hydrological mapping blueprint and plan for eroded land restoration in one case study community.
*This collaboration has led to a new successful grant from the BBSRC: ‘Integrated community-driven engagement for sustainable enhancement of food production in East Africa: the Jali Ardhi [Care for the Land] project’.
The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) were joint and equal partners in the creation of the project and remain fully engaged in the delivery and impact stages.
NM-AIST is one in a network of Pan-African Institutions of Science and Technology located across Sub-Saharan Africa. These institutions train and develop African scientists and engineers with a view to impacting on the continent's development through the application of Science, Engineering and Technology and Innovation.
The project is supporting NM-AIST technical staff in enhancing their analytical skills and institutional capacity to address the geographic variability and complexity of soil processes and the socio-economic implications of sustainable livelihood strategies. In turn, these individuals have committed to grow that capacity by passing on the skills they have learned to provide the foundation for future actions to address complex sustainability issues.