Ethical considerations for funding applications
A good grant proposal will show evidence of ethical issues having been considered at the design stage. Even if your study does not involve human or animal research, high standards of integrity relate to all research.
Although most funders do not require ethical approval at the application stage, it is a common requirement that you should provide a clear description of your approach to dealing with any ethical matters. It is important to highlight any concerns or risks and to explain how they will be managed.
Guidance relating to ethical considerations and how to apply for ethical approval can be found on the
research ethics pages
of this site.
The University of Plymouth is dedicated to the highest standards of research integrity and expects all members of the University (staff and students) to observe these standards in the conduct of their research. This includes partners and collaborators, who are not members of the University but who are conducting research on University premises or using University facilities. Please see the
University’s code of conduct and ethical policy for more information.
Related information
Please visit
Ethical review and committees for more information about the ethical review process and for links to Faculty ethics committees. If you envisage any major ethical issues please have a chat with your faculty research committee chair. Any queries should be addressed to the relevant Faculty Research Ethics Committee for specialist advice.
When writing your funding application
It may enhance your proposal if you can demonstrate that: