The resources listed below explain how to use a standing frame correctly. Useful for both therapists and people with MS, they provide written and visual information to complement physiotherapy face-to-face sessions.
How to use a standing frame
Resources for users and therapists
Useful resources

A useful read including a section on how making small changes to your posture or the equipment can help to make standing in the frame more comfortable

This step-by-step video covers all the things you need to know about how to use the frame safely

This video looks at ways of exercising when using the frame. It also demonstrates how the exercises can be progressed over time

This video describes how to achieve a standing position if someone is unable to assist themselves into a standing position independently and how small adjustments can be made to achieve a comfortable standing posture

Watch this video to hear how people with MS altered their standing programme to meet their individual needs

In this video, people with MS talk about how their experience of standing can change with fluctuations in their MS and how they cope with this