What does Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) stand for?
Broncho - it affects the child’s air-passages; Pulmonary - it affects the child’s Lungs; Dysplasia - the child’s air-passages and lungs are not fully developed.
What is the problem?
Babies born early often need breathing support, which can hurt their fragile lungs. These injuries can lead to damage and scars in the lungs, which is called BPD. Every year BPD affects several thousands of babies born before 32 weeks of pregnancy in the UK i.e., born more than 8 weeks before their due date. Babies born so early, are expected to stay in the hospital between two to four months. This depends on how sick they are.
It is common that BPD causes poor body, brain growth and long-term breathing problems, which can lead to serious consequences, such as, disability or death. To date, we know very little about the early effect of BPD on the heart, the lungs small blood vessels and how they affect each other. Finding new ways to recognise early BPD will help clinicians provide treatment and studying future treatments to halt the progress of the disease.
What are we trying to do?
We want to identify babies with early BPD, through finding out how hard the heart is working in the affected babies.