Engaging with Policy: information for academic researchers
Your research can change policy and improve lives
This toolkit explains how government, parliament and policy making works and how researchers can engage with policy-making processes.
Policy makers use a range of evidence when crafting, shaping, or changing policy. As researchers, you are involved in producing knowledge, often through engaged research with other relevant stakeholders, that can be used as evidence within this process.
When academics influence policy, the impact on society can be substantial. For example, economic historical scholarship played a key role in shaping the policies adopted in the governmental response to the 2008 financial crash.
Why else should you use your research to engage with evidence-based policy making?
- To enhance your research profile.
- To strengthen grant applications.
- To establish a base for the impact of your research now and in the future.
- It can be fulfilling.
- It can help to build your relationships and networks with other scholars in your own discipline and beyond.
- It can be fun.
Exploring the policy environment

How is policy made?
Government structures, stakeholders and the UK policy making environment

How can academics engage with policy making?
Sharing your knowledge to contribute to evidence-based policy making

Networks and relationships
Find the right person or organisation to talk to, discover opportunities, and learn about the policy-making process