Plymouth Sunny Smiles Project. Logo on pop art background.
How you can be involved in this project
In this project we want to find out the thoughts and experiences of care experienced, children and young people and the people who support and care for them. This includes hearing from GPs, specialist nurses, personal advisors and social workers. Your views are important to help build a complete picture of what impacts children and young people’s oral health and how we can work together to improve it.
There are two ways you can be involved: 
1. You can share your experiences of supporting the oral health of care experienced children and young people (including going to the dentist). 
This will involve meeting with the researcher, Jo Erwin, either in person or on-line for 30-45 minutes to share your thoughts and talk about your experiences. As a thank you for taking part you will be given a £15 Love to Shop voucher.  
If you are interested in taking part please read the information sheet which tells you all about the study and what it involves. 
If after reading the information sheet you have no questions and are happy to take part, please complete the consent form and Dr Jo Erwin will get in touch with you.
If after reading the information, you have any questions, please contact Dr Jo Erwin. She will answer any questions you may have about the project. Once you are happy all your questions have been answered please complete the consent form to take part in the project. 
Contact Jo Erwin:, mobile 07973 902024
2. You can share the opportunity to take part in the project with the care experienced children and young people that you support. 
Please note that children under the age of 18 must be in the care of Plymouth City Council, Cornwall Council or Torbay Council.
If you think the children/young people you support may like to be involved in the project please share the following information with them: 
Children aged 5-10:
Young people aged 11-17:
Care leaver aged 18-25:
If they would like to take part this will involve meeting with Jo either in person or on-line for 30-45 minutes and talking to her about how they feel about looking after their teeth and going to the dentist and what their experiences have been like. As a thank you for taking part they will be given a £15 Love to Shop voucher.  
If after reading the information the children or young people you support decide that they are interested in taking part, please contact Jo (, mobile 07973 902024). Jo will answer any questions and explain the consent process. In most circumstances young people aged 16-25 will be able to give consent themselves but this will be considered for each individual.