Individuals Joining Together As Team, Company, Family or Network. This is a visual metaphor for individuals joining together to form an entity larger and more significant than themselves.

A keynote address from Carole Parkes, Professor of Global Issues and Responsible Management, Winchester University, provided a central focus from which five of iSPER’s Themed Research Groups followed with specialist topics including: Managing People in an Age of Uncertainty, The Human Element in Shipping, and Climate Change Criminology and more.

A buffet lunch and a Research Exhibition then provided the backdrop for guests and collaborators to network, including an interactive VR exhibit from iSPER's local-global crime history Initiative, CHITCHAT.

While the world is more inter-connected, culturally, socially and economically than ever before, the sheer speed and impact of globalisation, together with the after effects of 2008/09 financial crisis, has bred considerable discontent, international crises and extraordinary turns in public politics.

How can we tackle the issue of responsible business practice in an era of globalisation and discontent?
The Institute for Social, Policy and Enterprise Research (iSPER) invited researchers, policy makers, entrepreneurs, artists, students, businesses, charities, public bodies and all who were interested to this interactive exploration and showcase of the diverse ways in which academic research responds to this question.

  • Sherwell Centre

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9:00: Registration - Tea, coffee and a light snack 

9:30: Welcome by Professor Rod Sheaff, Interim Director iSPER 

9:40: Keynote address - Professor Carole Parkes, Professor of Global Issues & Responsible Management, University of Winchester. 

  • Responsible Management Education: Fighting global poverty as a challenge for business and management education 

10:20: Managing People in an Age of Uncertainty - Dr Richard Saundry, Professor in Human Resource Management and Employment Relations  

10:40: Enterprising Refugee Women Navigating Borders in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey - Dr Haya Al-Dajani, Associate Professor (Reader) in Entrepreneurship 

11:00: Agri-tech in the EU: Risk and uncertainty in the agricultural product value chain - Professor Shaofeng Liu, Professor of Operations Management and Decision Making, with Lynne Butel, Huilan Chen, Professor Phil Megicks, Dr Carmen Lopez and Guoqing Zhao

11:20: Break

11:40: Climate Change Criminology - Dr Oliver Smith, Reader in Criminology 

12:00: Global Problems, Local Solutions: Recruitment and retention of seafarers in China - Dr Lijun Tang, Lecturer in Port and Shipping Management 

12:20 The Role of Mobility in Tax and Subsidy CompetitionDr Alex Haupt, Associate Professor (Reader) in Economics 

12.40: Final questions and discussion led by Professor Rod Sheaff and Professor Carole Parkes

12.50 Closing remarks from Professor Jerry Roberts – Deputy Vice-Chancellor-Research and Enterprise

13:00–14:00: Lunch and Networking - CHITCHAT interactive exhibit 'Local Transgression to Global History via Analogue to Digital: Plymouth as a Transitional Town' and PhD posters - Professor Kim Stevenson and Craig Newbery-Jones, CHITCHAT Co-directors

Keynote address

Responsible Management Education: Fighting global poverty as a challenge for business and management education - Professor Carole Parkes

As the UN global initiative Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) reaches its first decade, UN Special Adviser for PRME, Professor Carole Parkes, will address its stated goal to develop the capabilities of students to be generators of sustainable value for a more inclusive global economy, through teaching, research, engagement and organisational practices. 

Fighting poverty is number one in the Sustainable Development Goals and it presents a big challenge to all management education stakeholders to provide students with opportunities to study poverty-related issues. The challenge is to institutionalise responsible management education’s promise to help shape the mind-sets of the next generation of business professionals.

About iSPER

iSPER brings together brings together academics from across the University of Plymouth and supports them in delivering high quality and impactful social, enterprise and policy research.

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iSPER Themed Research Groups

iSPER's key research strengths are reflected in its Themed Research Groups (TRGs), which bring together academics from across different disciplines who have a shared interest in a specific research theme:

  • Crime, Justice and Society (CJS)
  • Maritime and Logistics, Business and Policy (MLBP)
  • Markets, Innovation and Competition (MIC)
  • People, Organisations and Work (POW)
  • Product and Service Value Chain Innovation through Advanced Technologies (ProSerV)
  • Responsible Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation (RESI).

Smart city and wireless communication network, abstract image visual, internet of things.Shutterstock image.

Event photography and video

Please be aware that some of the University of Plymouth's public events (both online and offline) may be attended by University staff, photographers and videographers, for capturing content to be used in University online and offline marketing and promotional materials, for example webpages, brochures or leaflets. If you, or a member of your group, do not wish to be photographed or recorded, please let a member of staff know.