Archive: Public Research Programme
A look back at the previous events that have taken place

You can watch recordings of these Inaugural Professorial Lectures through the links below.
You can watch recordings of these Inaugural Professorial Lectures through the links below.
You can watch recordings of these Inaugural Professorial Lectures through the links below.
28 June – 2 July
The annual Research Festival celebrated curiosity and collaboration, showcasing leading work across disciplines and inviting fellow academics, industry, students, policymakers, and the public to understand more of our world and those living in it.
In the first edition to be delivered online, attendees heard cutting-edge research from world-leading experts and top keynote speakers and learned how their own research or business could achieve greater impact through collaboration, locally and globally.
You can watch recordings of these Inaugural Professorial Lectures through the links below.
20–24 January
The third annual celebration of research saw a full week of events that confronted our world in a changing environment with a spotlight on sustainability and marine research, educated on best practice for healthcare professionals and patients, explored the positive and negative impacts of technology on modern society, and marked the Mayflower 400 commemorations with a contemporary response to our history and heritage.
Top keynotes included speakers from DEFRA, the OECD, the Independent Newspaper, The Crown Estate, Renewable UK, Natural England and more.Christmas Lecture | 16 December 2020 | Watch the recording
What insight do Beethoven’s musical sketches provide to the inner workings of his creative process? Dr Robert Taub and Professor James Daybell marked Beethoven’s 250th birthday in a special evening, exploring how these sketches lead to a greater understanding of the creative evolution of his art.
The discussion with musical accompaniment illustrated how Beethoven challenged artistic perceptions of human expression and how listening to music has changed through generations.
21–25 January
Returning for the second year, the week welcomed over 1000 participants for a variety of events that addressed questions like:
22–26 January
The first Research Festival explored a variety of topics from community engagement to antibiotic resistance, social media and politics to heritage, finishing with a day dedicated to addressing the opportunities presented by the Industrial Strategy.