Nikon Eclipse with Arcturus Laser microdissection allows harvesting of RNA/ DNA from minute amount of cells.
Nikon Eclipse with high resolution RGB camera and cooled CCD monochrome camera for imaging cell culture and sections in transmitted and epifluorescent light.
Leica DMi8 inverted microscope with one cooled CMOS camera which can be switched from colour (histological stains in transilluminated light) to monochrome (epifluorescence). Equipped with Deconvolution mode.
Leica DM6b with Lumenera Infinity camera and MBF software used for documentation of brain slices (transmitted and epifluorescent stains) and automated cell count/ brain slice.
Leica SPE on a Leica DMi8 microscope. One Diode, 3 solid state lasers, 2 detectors.
Leica SP8 on Leica DMi6000 microscope: 1 diode, 3 gas lasers, 3 PMT detectors, 1 HyD detector, environmental chamber allows control of temperature and gas composition.
Leica Stellaris 8 with Falcon and FLiM on Leica DMi8 microscope: 1 diode, white light laser, 4 HyD-S, 1 HyD-X detectors, fully automated setup with Lightning super-resolution, photon counting and fluorescent lifetime imaging (FLiM).
Zeiss LSM880 Airyscan confocal equipped with three detectors including Airy detector and 405, 458, 488, 514, 561, 633 nm laser lines for excitation. Airyscan hardware allows super-resolution down to 90 nm optical resolution. For live and fixed samples.